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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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4. Abbreviations and technical terms 1. Abbreviations (combined list)

1. Abbreviations (combined list)

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

Use of:

a. Plurals of abbreviated words are written in full, e.g. ‘infinitives’, ‘adverbs’, unless plural forms are listed below, e.g. ‘ll.’, ‘vv.’.

b. Abbreviations are to be used in all parts of the edition, except at the beginning of sentences.

c. i.e., e.g. without space; all others with, e.g. p. p.; m. v.

Abbreviations list

1st pers., 2nd pers., 3rd pers.  (pers. to be used routinely in gramm. descn of verbs)

acc. = accusative

ad loc. = ‘at the place’ [OK to use but won’t be on list]

adj. = adjective

adv. = adverb

AM = Arnamagnæan collection (see also database collections list)

ÁM = Árni Magnússon

c. = circa

C10th = tenth century (abbreviation to be used in notes, but words in introductions to poets or poems; C10th-11th not C10th-C11th)

ch.   chapter

chs   chapters

cl.   clause

comp.  comparative

conj.   conjunction 

cpd  compound

d. = died

Dan  Danish [use universally]

dat.  dative

def. art.  definite article

ed. = editor

editions = editions

edn = edition

eds = editors

e-t = eitthvat  [in grammat. and lexical points]

e-u = einhverju [in grammat. and lexical points]

f.  feminine

fol.  folio

fols  folios

gen.  genitive

Ger.  German [[check]]

Goth. Gothic

Gr.  Greek

hap. leg.  hapax legomenon (pl. legomena) — unique word(s)

ibid. = ibidem : given provision for short references this shouldn’t often be necessary; we seem neither to have licensed nor  banned it

Icel  Icelandic [or Icel.?]

imp.  imperative 

indef.  indefinite 

indic.   indicative

inf.  infinitive

instr.  instrumental

interrog. interrogative

l.  line

languages is not necessary or possible)

Lat.  Latin 

lectio difficilior more difficult reading [not difficilior lectio]

lectio facilior  easier reading 

lit.   literally (for use in translations (italicized) and notes (Roman) 

ll.  lines

lv.  lausavísa

lvv.  lausavísur

m.  masculine

m.v.  middle voice

ME  Middle English

MHG Middle High German

MIcel. Modern Icelandic

MLG Middle Low German

ms.     manuscript

mss  manuscripts

n.   note (but e.g. anm. if notes are labelled as such in the source)

n.  neuter

nom.   nominative

Norw Norwegian [use universally]

[Note that ‘v. l.’ / ‘vv. ll.’ is not included: use ‘variant reading(s)’.]

noun  noun

ODan.  Old Danish 

OE   Old English 

OEN  Old East Norse

OFr.   Old French

OFris.  Old Frisian

OHG   Old High German

OHG  Old High German

OIcel Old Icelandic [should be Icel.?]

OIr.  Old Irish

ON  Old Norse (to be used where differentiation between individual early Nordic (norræn)

ONorw Old Norwegian

OS   Old Saxon

OSwed Old Swedish

OWN  Old West Norse 

p.   page

p. n.   place name

p. p.  past participle

perf. perfect

pers. n.  personal name

pl.  plural (Hence, e.g: m. nom. sg., f. acc. pl., etc. as the format of grammatical descriptions)


poss.  possessive

pp.   pages

prep.  preposition

pres. present

pres.part. present participle

pret.  preterite

pron.   pronoun

r.  reigned (of regnal dates of kings, earls etc.)

r. = ruled / rexit (or whatever it is).

refl.  reflexive

rel.   relative (clause, pronoun)

S.  Saint

s. a. 1021 = sub anno, in references to Annals - Geisl 14

sby = ‘somebody’. Similar usage to sth.

sg.  singular

sp.  spelt/spelled

SS.  Saints

st.  stanza

sth. = ‘something’; e.g. þegja yfir e-u ‘keep silent about sth.’

sts  stanzas

subj.  subjunctive

sup.  superlative

Swed  Swedish

v.  verse

verb  verb

viz. = videlicet. [Use allowed, but really i.e. will normally be better.]

vv.  verses

w. o.  word order 


*   Reconstructed form,  e.g. a hypothetical etymon

†    use obelos symbol for textual material that is impossibly corrupt/ cannot be made

sense of, in your view. One  should be placed immediately before the beginning of

the piece of corrupt text and another immediately after it.

Not allowed: 

attr. = attributed to

fl. = floruit

i. a. / inter alia

s. v. = sub verbum

v. l. , vv. ll. = variant reading(s)



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