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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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B. Database documentation H. Old web submission instructions 2. Entering stanzas/verses 4. Edition references

4. Edition references

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

This form is used to add and edit references to editions of the verse. Except for the references to the Skj A and B volumes, this should be in the same format as specified in the Editors’ Manual. Fields are:

Skj A: the reference to the Skj A volume and pages. This must be in the format of ‘I’ or ‘II’ + space + the page range. If the text does not follow this format, an alert message will appear and the field will not be updated. This field also appears on the general information form.

Skj B: the reference to the Skj B volume and pages. This must be in the same format as the A volume reference.

other editions: the list of other editions in the same format as specified in the Editors’ Manual (§ 4-B-4, p. 23), e.g. (Rdr v. 3): ‘Skald I, 1, NN §§1909A, 2507; SnE 1848-87, I, 372, SnE 1931, 134, SnE 1998, I, 50’. Editions not listed in the Manual under Sigla for sources (§6-C, pp. 37-40) should be entered as editor’s name + year of publication (as specified elsewhere in this document). These must be in the ReykholtTimes font and formatted according to the instructions specified by the link (‘instructions on formatting’) above the text box.

When you click on the ‘update entry’ button, any fields which have been changed will be updated in the database.



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