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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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B. Database documentation H. Old web submission instructions 2. Entering stanzas/verses 1. Editing data for verses

1. Editing data for verses

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

These forms are accessed by clicking the pencil icon at the top and bottom of each page. The pencil icon with a page behind it takes you straight to the more complex editing forms for entering the verse text.

The default form is used for editing general information about the verse. The information here is mostly maintained by Tarrin and uses Skj as the starting point for the classification and numbering of verses. Normally you will not need to change this information, but this form allows you to re-order verses, for example, or change their categorisation (such as which poem they belong to).



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