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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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1. Skaldic Project Editors' Manual 15. Changes in the third edition C. Changes to content

C. Changes to content

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

The following list is restricted to substantial changes, and does not include instances of correction of minor errors or inconsistencies.

1. Introduction

Changes in third edition:

· E: section on the Supplement

· G: replaced outdated section on Publication Plans with §6 of Supplement

· J: new section from Suppement §5 Quality control

4. Guidelines on presentation for submission

Changes in second edition:

· A-1-i: Use ReykholtTimes font

· A-2: Corpus arrangement has changed

· A-3-c: Include reference to all mss in Introduction to poems

· B-2-a: Present helmingar vertically, not horizontally

· B-2-h: Include Finnur’s numbering and categorisation

· B-7-c: Mark kennings with curly brackets

· B-9-m: Stricter format for notes

· B-10: Transcriptions

Changes in third edition

· A-2-b-v: New section on attribution to more than one skald, from Refinements

· B-2-e-v,vi: Question marks and quotations from Refinements

· B-3: Major expansions to this section

· B-3-a-iii: Use ONP pagination or foliation, except in Flat

· B-3-a-iv: Format for marginalia

· B-3-a-v: Page ranges from Refinements

· B-3-b-v: Format for mss used intermittently

· B-5: Various additions to sections a, d, e, g, h, k, o from Refinements

· B-5-f: Moved to a and replaced with format for emendations from Refinements

· B-5-p: Reference to B-3-a for ms reference format

· B-5-q, r, s, t, u, w: new sections added

· B-6-e: Suggested format for multiple contexts from Refinements

· B-7-d: Moved to 7-e and given reference to Appendix 2; replaced with section on emendations from Refinments

· B-9: Added bits to n, p from Refinements

· B-9-j: Section on structure from Refinements added

· B-9-m: Replaced with new section from Refinements

· B-9-o: Added lengthy section from Refinements

· B-10: Transcriptions modified with specific instructions for younger manuscripts

· B-10-e: Partial line breaks

5. Guidelines on normalisation

Changes in third edition:

· C: Guidelines on the editing of 14th-century verse

6. Sigla for sources

Changes in second edition

· A-1: Four possible methods of referring to mss

· B: New section on how to use ms sigla

· C: Sigla for prose sources of skaldic poetry has been modified

· D, E: New sections

Changes in third edition

· C: Some new text sigla from supplement

· D: Removed and incorporated into ch. 14

· E: Removed and incorporated into ch. 14

7. Guidelines for the English translation

Changes in second edition

· 2-h: Use angle brackets (<...>) for glosses to heiti.

· 2-j: Snalyse kennings with curly brackets ({...})

· 2-j-v: Use stricter format for glosses to kenning referents

· 2-j-viii: Include gloss of original syntax in inverted kennings

· 2-j-ix: New format specific to ofljóst constructions

Changes in third edition

· 2-c-iii: Added section on ethnic names from Supplement

· 2-h-i: Added clarification of heiti vocabulary from Supplement

· 2-h-ii: New section on double-meanings in heiti from Supplement

· 2-h-iii: Former section ii

· 2-j-viii to x: Removed and referred to Appendix 2

· 4-b, c: literal translations and clarifications emended

· 4-d: Added section on understatement

8. General conventions, abbreviations and bibliographical guidelines

Changes in second edition

· I-A: Some changes

· I-C-1: New section on in-text referencing

· I-C-2,3,4: Minor changes

· I-C-5,6: New sections

· I-F: Use British English

· I-G ff: New material and changes to earlier recommendations

· II ff: New sections on bibliographic references

Changes in third edition

· I-A: New sections on kenning and poems types from Refinements

· I-C-4: New section on dictionary references from Refinements

· I´-D: More abbreviations from Supplement

· I-E: More abbreviations from Supplement and Refinements

· I-J-b: New section on normalisation of names from Refinements

· I-J-c: Renumbered from b

· I-J-2-b: Normalisation of nicknames from Supplement

· I-J-2-c: Translation of nicknames from Refinements

· III-E-ii: Some new abbreviations from Refinements

9. Sample verses

· I: Rdr verses replaced with database-generated version

· II-VI: removed from manual

12. Analysing and formatting kennings

· New chapter from the Supplement

13. Web submission instructions

· New chapter from the Supplement

14. Sigla for the corpus

· New chapter



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