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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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1. Skaldic Project Editors' Manual 8. General conventions, abbreviations and bibliographical guidelines IV. How to enter material in the bibliography B. Form of bibliographical entries

B. Form of bibliographical entries

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

Please observe the following form for bibliographical entries, paying due regard to the instructions given above concerning abbreviated references and the special instructions above:

<author’s last name>,_<first name>._<year>._<title>._<other information>._<place>:_


1. Concerning: <author’s last name>,_<first name>.

First names are to be given as they appear in the work’s publication details, e.g. ‘Felix’ or ‘Ida L.’ or ‘E. V.’ (but see A 1 and 2 above). Editors are designated ed. or eds. at the end of the rubric, preceded by a comma; this designation is deleted in parenthetical in-text references. Anonymous works are listed according to editors’ or compilers’ names. With works by more than one author, only the name of the first author is reversed. Icelandic names form an exception to the designated rubric, and, as explained in A 2 above, should be alphabetised according to the form <first name>,_<last name>.

2. Concerning: <title>.

a. Books

Titles of books are given in italics, capitalised according to the conventions of the language concerned: <book title>. Use a colon between title and subtitle, but retain any dashes.

b. Journal articles

‘<title of article>’._<name of journal>_<volume number>,_<inclusive page numbers>.

Titles of journal articles are given in roman type, i. e. not italicised, and placed within single quotation marks. Names of journals are given in italics and spelled out, except when they are abbreviated titles on the list above. Remember to italicise titles even when abbreviated. If the journal is unnumbered (proceeding according to years – cf. ÅNOH) the citation should follow the form <title of journal>,_<pp. x-x>. An example is:

Finnur Jónsson. 1912. ‘Sagaernes lausavísur’. ÅNOH, pp. 271-359.

c. Parts of a Book

‘<title of text>’._In_<title of whole book>,_ed._<editor(s)>,_<inclusive page numbers>.

The title of part of a book (e.g. a book chapter) or of a text in a collection of papers is given in roman type and enclosed within single quotation marks, followed by ‘In’ in roman and the title of the whole book in italics. Indicate editors, translators or compilers, if applicable. Shorten ‘edited by’ to ‘ed.’

3. Concerning: <other information>.

The rubric preceding place and publisher is reserved for other relevant publication data such as number of volumes or a specific volume number. Series titles, which also go here, are given in roman, followed by the volume number in arabic numerals: <series title>_<volume number>.



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