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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Arn Magndr 15II/5 — Vitnir ‘The wolf’

Sveins manna rekr sunnan
sǫndug lík at strǫndum;
vítt sér ǫld, fyr útan
Jótland hvar hræ fljóta.
Vitnir dregr ór vatni
(vann Ôleifs sonr bannat)
— búk slítr vargr í víkum —
valkǫst (ara fǫstu).

Sǫndug lík manna Sveins rekr sunnan at strǫndum; vítt sér ǫld, hvar hræ fljóta fyr útan Jótland. Vitnir dregr valkǫst ór vatni; sonr Ôleifs vann bannat fǫstu ara; vargr slítr búk í víkum.

Sandy corpses of Sveinn’s men are cast from the south onto the beaches; far and wide people see where bodies float off Jylland. The wolf drags a heap of slain from the water; Óláfr’s son [= Magnús] made fasting forbidden for the eagle; the wolf tears a corpse in the bays.



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