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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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1. Skaldic Project Editors' Manual 8. General conventions, abbreviations and bibliographical guidelines I. General conventions and abbreviations D. Grammatical and linguistic abbreviations

D. Grammatical and linguistic abbreviations

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

noun noun
adj. adjective
pron. pronoun
def. art definite article
verb verb
adv. adverb
prep. preposition
conj. conjunction
nom. nominative
acc. accusative
gen. genitive
dat. dative
instr. instrumental
m. masculine
f. feminine
n. neuter
sg. singular
pl. plural
(Hence, e.g: m. nom. sg., f. acc. pl., etc. as the format of grammatical descriptions)
1st pers., 2nd pers., 3rd pers.
comp. comparative
sup. superlative
interrog. interrogative
refl. reflexive
poss. possessive
indef. indefinite
inf. infinitive
indic. indicative
subj. subjunctive
imp. imperative
pres.part. present participle
p.p. past participle
pers. n. personal name
p. n. place name
rel. relative (clause, pronoun)
cl. clause
cpd compound
pres. present
pret. preterite
perf. perfect
m.v. middle voice
MIcel. Modern Icelandic
ON Old Norse (to be used where differentiation between individual early Nordic (norræn) languages is not necessary or possible)
OEN Old East Norse
OWN Old West Norse
(O)Icel. (Old) Icelandic 
(O)Norw. (Old) Norwegian
(O)Dan. (Old) Danish
(O)Swed. (Old) Swedish
OE Old English
OHG Old High German
OS Old Saxon
OFris. Old Frisian
OFr. Old French
OIr. Old Irish
Lat. Latin
* Reconstructed form, e.g. a hypothetical etymon
use obelos symbol for textual material that is impossibly corrupt/ cannot be made sense of, in your view. One should be placed immediately before the beginning of the piece of corrupt text and another immediately after it.



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