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herkir hyrjar serkja
‘giant of the fire of mail-shirts’ = WARRIOR
the fire of mail-shirts; → SWORD
giant of the SWORD → WARRIOR
[3] herkir: herkir 67aˣ, 67bˣ, 307ˣ, HbFms n. p., HbSnE, HbFJ
[3] serkja: serki 307ˣ
1.4.4. giant of the weapon
hyrr serkja
‘of the fire of mail-shirts’ = SWORD
the fire of mail-shirts; → SWORD
[3] serkja: serki 307ˣ
sword fire of the mail-coat
Hlǫkk hrammfjǫturs
‘the Hlǫkk of the arm-fetter’ = WOMAN
the arm-fetter → ARM-RING
the Hlǫkk of the ARM-RING → WOMAN
[6] Hlǫkk (‘hlakk’): Hlǫkk 67bˣ, 307ˣ, HbFms n. p., HbSnE, HbFJ
female, woman
2.1.2. valkyrie of jewellery (B2b)
‘of the arm-fetter’ = ARM-RING
the arm-fetter → ARM-RING
1. band of the limb