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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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1. Skaldic Project Editors' Manual 8. General conventions, abbreviations and bibliographical guidelines I. General conventions and abbreviations B. Text citations

B. Text citations

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

1. Orthography: Citations from printed editions should preserve the orthography of the edition used. References to ON words and phrases not cited from a particular text should be in normalised orthography as used, for instance, in Íslenzk fornrit editions. For the normalisation of skaldic texts, see >> 5. Guidelines on normalisation.

2. ON words or phrases should be italicised and, except where completely unnecessary, translated into English in single quotation marks, e.g. inn mæri mǫgr Sigurðar ‘the famous son of Sigurðr’; or Hann kallaði skjǫldinn Hildar hjól, en bauginn nǫf hjólsins ‘He called the shield the wheel of Hildr, and the boss-circle the wheel’s hub’. Note that there is no comma between text and translation.

3. The same applies to quotations from primary or secondary works in other European languages. Note that there is no comma between text and translation.

4. Quotations of three lines or more should be indented in a separate paragraph (without italicisation or quotation marks; use indent formatting not tabs).



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