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ár sunda sárs
‘the oars of the bays of the wound’ = SWORDS
the bays of the wound; → BLOOD
the oars of the BLOOD → SWORDS
6.5. rod of blood
sund sárs
‘of the bays of the wound’ = BLOOD
the bays of the wound; → BLOOD
1.1. liquid of wounds (A2)
‘of the army-commander’ = RULER
the army-commander → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
3.1. commander of the army
sendir elds víka
‘distributor of the fire of inlets’ = GENEROUS MAN
the fire of inlets. → GOLD
distributor of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
2.4.1. sender of gold
eldr víka
‘of the fire of inlets’ = GOLD
the fire of inlets. → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
þenna hagkennandi hróðrs
‘this skilled conveyor of praise’ = POET = me
this skilled conveyor of praise → POET = me
2.03. master of poetry
snarrœkir gunnar
‘to the keen cultivator of battle’ = WARRIOR = you, Óláfr
to the keen cultivator of battle. → WARRIOR = you, Óláfr
warrior carer of battle
kynstórs boði elda úthauðrs knarrar
‘to the kin-mighty offerer of the fires of the outlying land of the ship’ = GENEROUS MAN = you, Óláfr
the outlying land of the ship → SEA
the fires of the SEA → GOLD
to the kin-mighty offerer of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN = you, Óláfr
generous man
2.7. envoy of wealth
eldr úthauðrs knarrar
‘of the fires of the outlying land of the ship’ = GOLD
the outlying land of the ship → SEA
the fires of the SEA → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
úthauðr knarrar
‘of the outlying land of the ship’ = SEA
the outlying land of the ship → SEA
4.1. land of the ship
viðr brynju
‘the tree of the mail-shirt’ = WARRIOR = you, Óláfr
the tree of the mail-shirt. → WARRIOR = you, Óláfr
1.2.2. tree of the mail-coat
bjartar svaltunga rekninga
‘bright, cool tongues of swords’ = SWORD BLADES
bright, cool tongues of swords → SWORD BLADES
sword blade
1.1. tongue of the sword
riðboði hæsts elgs hranna
‘a riding offerer of the tallest elk of the waves’ = SEAFARER
the tallest elk of the waves, → SHIP
a riding offerer of the SHIP → SEAFARER
1.1.07. offerer of the ship
hæsts elgr hranna
‘of the tallest elk of the waves’ = SHIP
the tallest elk of the waves, → SHIP
ship, boat
1.1.2. wild animal of the sea
sveigir linns sára
‘swinger of the snake of wounds’ = WARRIOR
the snake of wounds, → SWORD
Swinger of the SWORD → WARRIOR
1.7.10. bender of the weapon
linnr sára
‘of the snake of wounds’ = SWORD
the snake of wounds, → SWORD
2.2. snake of the wound
ólítinn andr Áta
‘a not small ski of Áti’ = SHIP
a not small ski of Áti → SHIP
ship, boat
2.2. ski of the sea-king
heiðmildr herstefnir
‘reward-generous army commander’ = RULER
reward-generous army commander, → RULER
chieftain, king, leader, lord, prince, ruler
3.1. commander of the army