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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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1. Skaldic Project Editors' Manual 10. Checklist for editors

10. Checklist for editors

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

Additional material to include

In addition to the edited text and accompanying materials for the poem or verses edited, editors are asked to pass to their Coordinating Editor the following:

a. A complete list of the mss used, listed by both full and abbreviated sigla. If a siglum required is not available on the project website, this must be established in consultation with the relevant Coordinating Editor and Tarrin Wills. Editors will need to incorporate these lists into their introductions.

b. Transcriptions of at least the main ms. of each verse, according to the instructions in >> 4. Guidelines on presentation B-10. Check with Tarrin or Valgerður to see what transcriptions are already available electronically.

c. A list of material from your edited text for inclusion in the general indices in the final volume of the edition, viz.:

i. personal names, with dates where known, and nicknames, if known

ii. indigenous terms for which there is no precise English translation (e.g. hersir, drómundr) and suggested explanations

iii. place- and district-names

iv. major battles

v. references to named mythological beings, attributes and places

d. Full bibliographical references, in accordance with the Bibliographical Guidelines, for any primary or secondary sources referred to and for which abbreviated references are not provided.

e. First lines of verses where major variants exist, to be incorporated in the Index of First Lines.

Our aim is to have all reference material (mss for each verse and poem; first lines; bibliography; names, terms and other references; manuscripts and sigla; and transcriptions where available) on the web site as soon as practicable. In general, when checking reference material, consult the project web site.



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