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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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1. Skaldic Project Editors' Manual 6. Sigla for sources A. How to refer to manuscripts by sigla 3. Other manuscripts

3. Other manuscripts

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

If the manuscript in question appears neither in List A nor in List B, editors should develop an abbreviated siglum for it using the following formula:

• remove the collection name (e.g. AM) and designation of ms size (e.g. fol)

• remove any space between the first arabic numeral and any component before or after it which is not an arabic numeral

• retain all other spaces.

Editors are encouraged to cross-check their procedures with the lists of manuscript sigla on the skaldic web site, and in any case to consult with their Coordinating Editor(s) and Tarrin Wills about the sigla they intend to use (see also Section 2 below, How to use manuscript sigla when editing).

Examples of procedures having recourse to Methods 1-3 appear below (with abbreviated sigla in round brackets):

AM 61 fol (61) [collection and size omitted] — Method 3

GKS 1005 fol (Flat) [from List A] — Method 1

UppsUB R 704x (R704x) [collection name omitted, space removed] — Method 3

AM 325 D 1 4° (325D 1) [collection name, size & 1 space removed] — Method 3

Holm papp 6 4°x (papp6x) [abbreviated from List B] — Method 2

AM 158 8°x (158 8°x) [abbreviated from List B] — Method 2



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