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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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1. Skaldic Project Editors' Manual 6. Sigla for sources A. How to refer to manuscripts by sigla 1. List A

1. List A

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

The first method is when the manuscript in question appears in List A below. List A gives abbreviated sigla for some of the most important manuscripts that contain skaldic poetry.

List A. Sigla for some of the main manuscripts

I AM 122 a fol (Ipx: paper copies)
II AM 122 b fol (IIpx: paper copies)
A AM 748 I b 4°
Ágr AM 325 II 4° (Ágrip)
B AM 757 a 4°
Bb Bergsbók, Holm perg 1 fol
Bæb Bæjarbók (á Rauðasandi), AM 73 b fol
C AM 748 II 4°
E Eirspennill, AM 47 fol
F Codex Frisianus, AM 45 fol
Flat Flateyjarbók, GKS 1005 fol
FskB Fagrskinna (B), OsloUB 371 folx
FskA Fagrskinna (A), AM 303 4°x
G Gullinskinna, AM 325 VIII 5 c 4°
H Hulda, AM 66 fol
Hb Hauksbók, AM 371, 544 and 675 4°x
Hr Hrokkinskinna, GKS 1010 fol
J Jöfraskinna, AM 37 and 38 folx
KKringla, Lbs frg 82, AM 35, 36 and 63 folx
Kb Ketilsbók, AM 453 4°x
M Möðruvallabók, AM 132 fol
Mb Melabók, AM 445 b 4°
(part of Pseudo-Vatnshyrna: AM 445 c I 4° and AM 564 a 4°)
Mork Morkinskinna, GKS 1009 fol
R Codex Regius of Snorra Edda, GKS 2367 4°
St Sturlubók, AM 107 folx
Sk Skarðsárbók, AM 104 folx (main ms.)
T Codex Trajectinus, Traj 1374x
Tóm Tómasskinna, GKS 1008 fol
U Codex Upsaliensis, DG 11
W Codex Wormianus, AM 242 fol
Þb Þórðarbók, AM 112 folx and AM 106 folx



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