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3. Newsletters 2. Newsletter 2 (October 2003) 6. Skaldic Symposium 2004 and General Editors’ meeting in Copenhagen

6. Skaldic Symposium 2004 and General Editors’ meeting in Copenhagen

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

The next skaldic symposium and General Editors’ meeting will take place in Copenhagen, at the Arnamagnæan Institute, University of Copenhagen, Njalsgade 136, Amager, from Thursday 10 - Sunday 13 June, the symposium taking place on Thursday 10th and Friday 11th, with a possible excursion to e.g. Roskilde on the Friday afternoon. The editors are extremely grateful to Peter Springborg, Director, and to other members of the institute, for giving permission for us to use the institute’s facilities. Nearer the time more precise information about the exact meeting place will be sent out. These dates have been chosen as we are aware that another symposium, on ‘Old Norse religion in long-term perspective’, is taking place at the University of Lund from 3-7 June. For details, see the web site at Some editors may be interested in attending both meetings.

The subject for the 2004 skaldic symposium will be ‘Prose, Poetry and Manuscripts’. The thought behind this title concerns particularly: cases in which the stemma for verses in a particular text does not correspond to the stemma for its prose; and the question of when, and on what criteria, to choose the main manuscript for a poem/group of verses. Any editor who wishes to present a paper on any aspect of this subject (or any other to do with skaldic editing) should contact Margaret Clunies Ross at (please note email address change), preferably before 1 February 2004. Papers are usually c.45-50 minutes in length.

It would also be helpful to get some idea of likely attendance. Please send an email to Margaret if you are likely to attend the Copenhagen meeting.



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