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3. Newsletters 2. Newsletter 2 (October 2003) 4. General Editors’ Meeting

4. General Editors’ Meeting

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

Kiel 5-6 August 2003

Present: Margaret Clunies Ross (MCR, Chair), Kari Gade (KG), Kate Heslop (KH), Edith Marold (EM, host), Guðrún Nordal (GN), Diana Whaley (DW), Tarrin Wills (TW), Valgerður Erna Þorvaldsdóttir (VÞ)

The sixth annual meeting of the General Editors and Research Associates of the skaldic editing project Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages took place at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel on 5-6 August 2003.

What follows is a summary of changes of editor for specific texts and additions to the corpus. These have already been incorporated into the electronic database. Practical recommendations arising from the symposium and the General Editors’ meeting will be incorporated into a Supplement to the Editors’ Manual to be issued to Contributing Editors in the near future.

Editorial Reassignments

  1. *Valgerður Erna Þorvaldsdóttir will edit c. 30 verses from Hrafns saga Sveinbjarnarson and Sturla Þórðarson’s Hrynhenda (previously assigned to Meg Cormack and Guðrún Nordal respectively).
  2. Kari Gade will edit the verse from Jóns saga helga previously assigned to Meg Cormack.
  3. Margaret Clunies Ross will edit verses from the Fourth Grammatical Treatise, previously assigned to Karl-Gunnar Johansson.
  4. Gísli Sigurðsson and Tarrin Wills will share the task of editing verses from the Third Grammatical Treatise.

Unallocated verses/ Additions to the corpus

  1. Tarrin Wills will edit 3 verses from Draumr Þórsteins Síðuhallssonar and 16 verses from Stjörnu-Odda draumr, previously unallocated.
  2. *Rolf Stavnem of the University of Copenhagen will edit the 15 verses in Hávarðar saga Ísferðings, previously unallocated.
  3. Kate Heslop will edit Grettisfœrsla, an addition to the corpus.
  4. *Hans-Peter Naumann, of the University of Basel, will edit all East Norse metrical runic inscriptions, in collaboration with Edith Marold.
  5. Jonathan Grove will edit the 3 verses from Máguss saga jarls, previously unallocated, and will also edit a small collection of verses in Latin or in macaronic form, which were not included by Finnur Jónsson in Skjaldedigtning. There are 4 verses in AM 732 b 4to (1300-25) 1 verse from GkS 3260 4to (c. 1350). The General Editors are grateful to Jonathan for bringing these verses to our attention. Another Latin verse from Oddr Snorrason’s Óláfs saga Tryggvasonar (ed. Finnur Jónsson 1932: 194), which is also extant in Icelandic, will be included in the corpus, within the Kings’ sagas 1 volume. It will be edited by Diana Whaley. Gottskálk Jensson of the University of Copenhagen has kindly agreed to act as advisor for the Latin material.

* Indicates new Contributing Editor.

Verses in the Grammatical Treatises

In addition to the above, a decision was made to treat verses in the Grammatical Treatises (including Snorra Edda) in the following way: verses that are anonymous and do not occur in other texts, and those attributed to a named poet for whom there are no extant verses in other texts will be edited by the editors designated as responsible for the treatises; verses attributed to named poets who have verses attributed to them in other texts will be edited by the editor(s) responsible for the named poet.

This decision has necessitated a certain amount of reassignment of material. All those involved have already been approached by Tarrin Wills and informed of the new arrangements. Details of the new system can be found on the web site.



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