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3. Newsletters 2. Newsletter 2 (October 2003) 2. 12th International Saga Conference

2. 12th International Saga Conference

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

Bonn 28 July-2 August 2003

A number of members of the skaldic editing group presented papers at the 12th International Saga Conference in Bonn. In addition, two out of four plenary lectures at the conference were on skaldic subjects: Roberta Frank’s on ‘Málsháttakvæði: A Norse Poem from Medieval Orkney’ and Tarrin Wills’ and Margaret Clunies Ross’s joint plenary on ‘The Skaldic Editing Project’. A third plenary, by Contributing Editor John McKinnell, was on Völuspá. Individual papers on skaldic subjects were presented by the following Contributing Editors: Bergljót S. Kristjánsdóttir, Margaret Clunies Ross, Alison Finlay, Kari Ellen Gade, Kate Heslop. Guðrún Nordal, Judith Jesch, Rolf Stavnem, Matthew Townend, Yelena Yershova. Other Contributing Editors gave papers on non-skaldic subjects.



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