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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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3. Newsletters 1. Newsletter 1 (May 2002) 4. A revised edition of the Editors’ Manual

4. A revised edition of the Editors’ Manual

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

In the period between July 2000, when the Editors’ Manual was published, and the present time there have been a number of necessary changes to our procedures. For the most part these will not necessitate major deviations from your current editing methods, so there is no need to worry that work you have already done will have to be changed radically. However, some of the requirements for the preparation of material for electronic markup have necessitated more specific instructions, and these and other additional requirements, together with corrections and better clarification of some issues, have led us to the view that a new, revised edition of the Manual is now needed. It will be sent out to you in hard copy in August 2002 and will also be available on our web site. Please read it very carefully; new sections and changes from the first edition will be highlighted. The Manual will contain two completely new sections, guidelines for preparing work for electronic markup and bibliographical guidelines.

Margaret Clunies Ross



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