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3. Newsletters 1. Newsletter 1 (May 2002)

1. Newsletter 1 (May 2002)

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

This is the first number of an occasional Newsletter that is intended to keep all contributing editors to the new skaldic edition informed of the latest developments in the project and the project web site and to seek their contribution to on-going issues. It is particularly directed to those contributing editors who have not yet been able to attend one or other of the two very successful Symposia we have now held, in 2001 at Reykholt and 2002 at York, in conjunction with the annual General Editors’ meetings, which took place in Reykjavík in May 2001 and at the King’s Manor, University of York, on 12 and 14 April 2002. A report of the 2002 Symposium appears below.

Contributing editors are urged to keep in touch with developments on the web site by looking at it frequently and checking on new developments, of which there are many. Below Tarrin Wills has listed facilities now available on the site, which include a large range of manuscript references and images of many manuscripts that are available for editors’ use. You can also check out there who your (40-odd) fellow editors are and what poetry has been assigned to them. It is also possible to post queries and problems on the site, though few editors have as yet availed themselves of this facility.

It is important that, from now on, all editors keep in touch with their coordinating editors on a reasonably regular basis, in order to ensure that we meet our deadlines, the next one being October 2004 as the date for submission of draft editions of assigned texts to coodinating editors. Further information about these goals and what we are asking you to do about them appears below.

For your information and interest, a forthcoming issue of Skandinavistik (vol. 23 of July 2002) will contain articles on the skaldic edition. Most of these articles derive from the 2001 Reykholt Symposium and general editors’ meeting, updated to take account of more recent developments.



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