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tolf viðr bála elfar
‘twelve trees of the pyres of the river’ = MEN
the pyres of the river → GOLD
twelve trees of the GOLD → MEN
male, man
1.1. tree of gold
bál elfar
‘of the pyres of the river’ = GOLD
the pyres of the river → GOLD
1.1.2. fire of inland waters (A1)
sóknstríðs tyggi Svía
‘of the battle-hard king of the Swedes’ = Óláfr sœnski
the battle-hard king of the Swedes → Óláfr sœnski
[5] tyggja: so 972ˣ, Peringskiöld 1697 I
Swedish king, ruler
. ruler of the Swedes
hestr Sigars
‘the horse of Sigarr’ = GALLOWS
the horse of Sigarr → GALLOWS
. horse of Sigarr