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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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1. Skaldic Project Editors' Manual 4. Guidelines on presentation for submission B. Presentation of individual verses 9. Notes 2. Format

2. Format

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

‡ m. Individual notes must start with the line number(s) in square brackets. (NB this is a change of practice.) The word(s) under discussion follow in italics, (optionally) followed by grammatical glosses in round brackets, followed by the translation in quotation marks, followed by a colon. The order of the Icelandic text should be that of the prose word order, unless a metrical point requires the retention of the verse word order (in these cases a translation will not be included):

[4] Sverða flaumi ‘eddy of swords [BATTLE]’: The base-word ... — [6] Sogns gram ‘lord of Sogn’: The district of Sogn ...

[1] Knútr vas und himnum: The extra syllable (for tøglag) and lack of alliteration in this line…

i. If the text under discussion straddles more than one line, the line numbers should take the form [3-4] if the text is continuous and [3, 4] if discontinuous.

ii. Capitalisation of the lemma follows the Text, i.e. the lemma only begins with a capital if the word begins with a capital in the text.

iii. Any emendations in the Text are indicated in the Notes, including the lemma (though with italic and roman reversed), e.g.

Text: geymir

Note (including lemma): geymir.

iv. The grammatical case of the Text is retained (dat. flaumi). Where the nom. form is significantly different from the form in the text, this may be added in round brackets, e.g:

[3] meyjar (nom. mær) Hǫgna ‘of Hǫgni’s maid’:

v. If a whole line or lines is under discussion, the text and translation need not be given. The note should begin with the line number(s), e.g:

‘[7-8]: The final couplet ...

vi. Notes referring to the whole stanza will have ‘[All]’ in place of the line numbers in square brackets.

n. Complex points will need to be discussed using full sentences, but briefer note form can be used where appropriate. Begin all notes with a capital letter. Normal scholarly style should be used in the notes, with the first person used sparingly or not at all (though editors’ names will be clearly stated at the beginning of each poem or set of verses).

‡ o. Words and phrases cited from the text should be translated within the notes. Although the complete verse is translated above, this makes the notes easier to follow.

i. Words and phrases cited within the Notes should be in the same case as in the Text, or in the nom., as appropriate. In some cases it will be helpful to readers to explain the grammar and supply nom. forms as well as relevant oblique forms, especially where they are not of the most routine sort.

ii. Where a note refers to a ms. reading that has not been normalised in the Variant Readings, it should be given in the same form, i.e. in quotation marks, when the spelling is being discussed as such, e.g. ‘The reading ‘roðit’ in F and 39 could be normalised roðit or, as suggested in SHI, hroðit’. The abbreviation ‘sp.’ = ‘spelt, spelled’ can also be useful in the Notes.

iii. Where kennings are cited within a discussion of interpretations proposed by other editors, their translations should be formatted in the usual way, e.g. þolli Skævaðar geima ‘with the tree of the Skævaðr of the ocean [SHIP > SEAFARER]’. Curly brackets should, however, not be used around the text since such kennings will not be entered in the kenning link.

iv. If more than one line of a st. is cited in the Notes, the line-break is indicated by |:

Fundr vas þess, at Þrœndir | þeir hǫfðu lið meira

The punctuation of the Text, e.g. quotation marks or question marks, should also be preserved.

v. Line references in the main body of the Notes should be in the format ‘l. 8’ or ‘ll. 7-8’, while [7] or [7-8] is reserved for the lemmata. [NB this is a change of practice.] References to other lines in the same poem take the form Rdr 4/7.

p. For the format of in-text references, please see >> 8. General conventions. References to other sections within the edition of the same verse are to Prose order, Context etc. (i.e. not italicised).

q. The sequence of notes will normally follow the sequence of verse lines. A note concerning a phrase or clause that spans more than one line will be placed at the earlier position.

r. Individual notes should be separated by an em dash ([opt]-[shift]-[hyphen] on Mac, [alt]-0151 in Windows) or two hyphens (--), with a space either side.

s. If the note is concerned with a variant reading, this should be indicated, e.g.:

Skulut ráðgjafar yðrir reiðask ‘your counsellors should not get enraged’ (variant reading) [1-2]: ...



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