dyggiliga (adv.) ‘°properly/completely, conscientiously, faithfully, loyally’
Please note that the lexical concordance has not been reviewed and should not be referenced.
- words
- Kgs —
dyggiliga ‘properly/completely, conscientiously, faithfully, loyally’l. 8634
- ÞorvV ch. 3 —
dyggilega ‘’l. 1
- ÞorvVÓTI —
dyggiliga ‘properly/completely, conscientiously, faithfully, loyally’l. 10838
- ÞUxaf ch. 6 —
Dyggilega ‘’l. 1
- ÞUxaf —
dyggiliga ‘properly/completely, conscientiously, faithfully, loyally’l. 10864
- ÓTI —
dyggiliga ‘properly/completely, conscientiously, faithfully, loyally’l. 9519
- BevB(2001) —
dyggiliga ‘properly/completely, conscientiously, faithfully, loyally’l. 302
- DI II (*[1309]›AM 350) —
dyɢiliga ‘properly/completely, conscientiously, faithfully, loyally’l. 767
- DI V (1451) —
dygiliga ‘properly/completely, conscientiously, faithfully, loyally’l. 1570
- DI VI (*[1479]›JS 308ˣ) —
dyggiliga ‘properly/completely, conscientiously, faithfully, loyally’l. 2322
- Gibb —
dyggyliga ‘properly/completely, conscientiously, faithfully, loyally’l. 7334
- GibbC —
dyggiliga ‘properly/completely, conscientiously, faithfully, loyally’l. 7336
- JBpB(2003) —
dyɢiliga ‘properly/completely, conscientiously, faithfully, loyally’l. 8467
- MarE —
dyggiliga ‘properly/completely, conscientiously, faithfully, loyally’l. 8994
- Mar233 —
dyggiliga ‘properly/completely, conscientiously, faithfully, loyally’l. 8999
- Mar240a —
dyggiliga ‘properly/completely, conscientiously, faithfully, loyally’l. 9000
- RbEM (*1281-1282)2 —
dygiliga ‘properly/completely, conscientiously, faithfully, loyally’l. 9686
- RbHM (*1314)1 —
dyggiligha ‘properly/completely, conscientiously, faithfully, loyally’l. 9963
- Rémˣ —
dyggiliga ‘properly/completely, conscientiously, faithfully, loyally’l. 10124
- RRÓT —
dyggiliga ‘properly/completely, conscientiously, faithfully, loyally’l. 10170
- StatPáll1 —
dyggiliga ‘properly/completely, conscientiously, faithfully, loyally’l. 10358
- Stj1 —
dyggiliga ‘properly/completely, conscientiously, faithfully, loyally’l. 10424
- [not skaldic] —
dyggilega ‘’l. 1
- Thom1 —
dyggilega ‘properly/completely, conscientiously, faithfully, loyally’l. 10577
- Trist1ˣ —
dyggiliga ‘properly/completely, conscientiously, faithfully, loyally’l. 10605
- elements in compounds