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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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1. Skaldic Project Editors' Manual 4. Guidelines on presentation for submission B. Presentation of individual verses 7. Prose order

7. Prose order

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

A prose order, in which the words of the text are re-arranged as if prose, should be given for each verse, however straightforward.

a. There should be as close a correspondence as practicable between the prose order and:

i. the order of the English translation;

ii. Icelandic idiom.

b. Since intercalary clauses will be disentangled, it should not normally be necessary to use dashes and parentheses. A minor exception is where an intercalary interrupts syntactic continuity between the two helmingar of a stanza (see, e.g., Hallfreðar saga sts 10 and 18 in >> 9. Sample verses, where the second helmingr begins en).

c. Punctuation should otherwise follow the conventions for the Text (above B-2-e).

‡ d. Any emendations made in the Text should be indicated, using italics. (Emendations are not indicated in the Translation.)

‡ e. Kennings must be marked in the prose order with curly brackets (braces), including enclosing kennings. For full details, see >> Appendix 2: Analysing and formatting kennings.



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