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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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1. Skaldic Project Editors' Manual 4. Guidelines on presentation for submission B. Presentation of individual verses 5. Variant readings 5. Variants from printed works

5. Variants from printed works

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

‡ u. Variants from printed works may be used in rare cases where the work preserves an independent text of a now-lost ms. Examples include Jón Ólafsson's 1741 edition of Knýtl and Ole Worm's 1636 text of the Norwegian Rune Poem. Such works are treated in the same way as mss, but when required, are referred to in full as printed works (e.g. Worm 1636). In the list of mss and the variant apparatus, abbreviated sigla are used, which are created on an ad hoc basis and are listed in the database.

‡ w. Early editions. In some cases earlier editors may have been able to read more of a ms. than is now legible. In these cases, readings may be taken from those editions and indicated by a siglum consisting of the ms. siglum followed by the editor's initials in italics, e.g. (Finnur Jónsson in Skj A and Sveinbjörn Egilsson's edition of Anon Pl respectively):

[5] flest: 'f[…]st' B, flest BFJ, flest 744x

[3] frægr: '[…]egr' 673b, fregr 673bSE

Such cases differ from those in >> u. (printed works which are independent witnesses) because they do not preserve an independent witness. They also differ from the cases described in >> t. (early copies of partly damaged mss) because they are not mss. The format described here should only be used for printed editions preserving readings of extant mss. Cases such as these should be mentioned in the Introduction to the poem, with wording such as:

'Since 673b is now less legible than it was when edited by Sveinbjörn Egilsson in 1833, readings from this edition are included, with the siglum 673bSE.'



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