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linni brúar ginnungs
‘a snake of the bridge of the hawk’ = ARM-RING
the bridge of the hawk, → ARM
a snake of the ARM → ARM-RING
2. snake, serpent of the limb
brú ginnungs
‘of the bridge of the hawk’ = ARM
the bridge of the hawk, → ARM
arm, hand
1.1.3. path of the bird of prey (A3)
galgi tangar
‘the gallows of the tongs’ = ARM
the gallows of the tongs; → ARM
3.2. gallows of tongs (A1)
sylgr Grímnis hanga
‘the drink of the Grímnir of hanged ones’ = POETRY
the Grímnir of hanged ones. → Óðinn
the drink of ÓÐINN → POETRY
1.1.1. drink of Óðinn
Grímnir hanga
‘of the Grímnir of hanged ones’ = Óðinn
the Grímnir of hanged ones. → Óðinn
2.6. god of the hanged (C3b)
þella glóraddar Gauta hellis
‘the fir-tree of the gleaming-voice of the Gautar of the cave’ = WOMAN
the Gautar of the cave → GIANTS
the gleaming-voice of GIANTS → GOLD
The fir-tree of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.2. tree, wood of riches, wealth (B2c)
glórǫdd Gauta hellis
‘of the gleaming-voice of the Gautar of the cave’ = GOLD
the Gautar of the cave → GIANTS
the gleaming-voice of GIANTS → GOLD
8.1. utterance of the giant (A3)
Gautar hellis
‘of the Gautar of the cave’ = GIANTS
the Gautar of the cave → GIANTS
1.1.1. man of the cave
mínar laut gagfellis lóns
‘my hollows of the backward-bending feller of the lagoon’ = HANDS
the backward-bending feller of the lagoon. → OAR
my hollows of the OAR → HANDS
2.2. land of the oar (A3)
gagfellir lóns
‘of the backward-bending feller of the lagoon’ = OAR
the backward-bending feller of the lagoon. → OAR
2.1. killer of the sea
innmáni ennis
‘the interior-moon of the forehead’ = EYE
The interior-moon of the forehead → EYE
1.1. light of the head (A1b)
ǫndótts vinr banda
‘of the hostile friend of the gods’ = Þórr
the hostile friend of the gods → Þórr
3. friend of the gods (C3a)
men storðar
‘the necklace of the earth’ = Miðgarðsormr
the necklace of the earth. → Miðgarðsormr
1. surrounding object of the earth (A1b)
brim hrosta alfǫður
‘the surf of malt of alfaðir’ = POETRY
the surf of malt of Alfaðir → POETRY
1.1.1. drink of Óðinn
brim hrosta
‘the surf of malt’ = ALE
the surf of malt → ALE
1. liquid of ale components
ulfr snótar
‘the wolf of the woman’ = Þjazi
The wolf of the woman → Þjazi
4. destructive creature of the woman
marr ár-Gefnar
‘the horse of fruitfulness-Gefn’ = OX
fruitfulness-Gefn → Gefjun <goddess>
the horse of GEFJUN <GODDESS> → OX
bull, ox
2.2. horse of Gefjun (A2)
bjarga byrgitýr
‘refuge-god of crags’ = GIANT = Þjazi
the refuge of crags → CAVE
the god of the CAVE → GIANT = Þjazi
1.2. male mythical being of the mountains
‘of fruitfulness-Gefn’ = Gefjun <goddess>
fruitfulness-Gefn → Gefjun <goddess>
1. goddess of fruitfulness (C2b)
bjarga byrgi
‘of the refuge of crags’ = CAVE
the refuge of crags → CAVE
1.1. dwelling of the earth
segjandi sagna
‘with the commanders of the troops’ = Æsir
with the commanders of the troops → Æsir
Áss, god
4. leaders of the troops
viðr hræblakks sævar hríðar
‘the trees of the corpse-dark sea of battle’ = WARRIORS
the corpse-dark sea of battle; → BLOOD
the trees of the BLOOD → WARRIORS
6.1. tree of blood
hræblakks sjór hríðar
‘of the corpse-dark sea of battle’ = BLOOD
the corpse-dark sea of battle; → BLOOD
1.4. liquid of battle (A2)
drykkr Dúrnis
‘the drink of Dúrnir’ = POETRY
the drink of Dúrnir → POETRY
1.2.1. drink of the dwarfs
‘the blood-grouse’ = RAVEN
the blood-grouse → RAVEN
1.2. bird of blood (A2)
barr ara
‘the eagle’s barley’ = CORPSES
the eagle’s barley; → CORPSES
corpse, slain
1.1. food of the raven/eagle
konungr hǫrða
‘the king of the hǫrðar’ = NORWEGIAN KING = Haraldr
the king of the Hǫrðar → NORWEGIAN KING = Haraldr
Norwegian king, ruler, jarl
1.1. ruler of the Norwegians
sigð Gauts
‘the sickle of Gautr’ = SWORD
the sickle of Gautr → SWORD
10.5. tool of Óðinn
ǫrð svans sveita
‘the corn of the swan of blood’ = CORPSES
the swan of blood. → RAVEN
the corn of the RAVEN → CORPSES
corpse, slain
1.1. food of the raven/eagle
svanr sveita
‘of the swan of blood’ = RAVEN
the swan of blood. → RAVEN
1.2. bird of blood (A2)
orðrakkr árr flausta
‘the word-bold messenger of ships’ = SEAFARER
The word-bold messenger of ships → SEAFARER
1.4. messenger of the ship
austrœnar snekkja ilja
‘eastern warships of footsoles’ = SHOES
eastern warships of footsoles; → SHOES
1. ship of the foot
forverk Fenju
‘Fenja’s toil’ = GOLD
Fenja’s toil, → GOLD
9.2.3. work of Fenja (A3)
miðgarðr Fáfnis
‘Fáfnir’s land’ = GOLD
Fáfnir’s land, → GOLD
3.1.1. land of the serpent (A3)
glóbarr Glasis
‘Glasir’s glowing foliage’ = GOLD
Glasir’s glowing foliage, → GOLD
8.6. foliage of Glasir (A3)
fagrbyrðr Grana
‘Grani’s fair burden’ = GOLD
Grani’s fair burden, → GOLD
9.1.1. cargo of Grani (A3)
dýrsveiti Draupnis
‘Draupnir’s precious sweat’ = GOLD
Draupnir’s precious sweat, → GOLD
8.3.1. dew of Draupnir (A3)
dúni Grafvitnis
‘Grafvitnir’s feather-bed’ = GOLD
Grafvitnir’s feather-bed. → GOLD
3.1.2. lair of the serpent (A3)
fiðr foldar
‘plumage of the earth’ = GRASS
Plumage of the earth. → GRASS
[1] Foldar fiðr: foldar fiðr(ir) (?) 164ˣ
1.2. plumage of the earth
holmneglða hauðrgjǫrð
‘the island-studded land-girdle’ = SEA
the island-studded land-girdle → SEA
1.1. belt of the land
fiðrirjóðr môs Yggjar
‘feather-reddener of the gull of Yggr’ = WARRIOR
the gull of Yggr, → RAVEN
Feather-reddener of the RAVEN → WARRIOR
3.1.03. stainer of the bird of battlefield
már Yggjar
‘of the gull of Yggr’ = RAVEN
the gull of Yggr, → RAVEN
1.1. bird of Óðinn (A2)
fœðir blágamms kolgu benja
‘feeder of the dark vulture of the surf of wounds’ = WARRIOR
the surf of wounds, → BLOOD
the dark vulture of the BLOOD → RAVEN
feeder of the RAVEN → WARRIOR
3.1.01. feeder of the bird of battlefield
blágammr kolgu benja
‘of the dark vulture of the surf of wounds’ = RAVEN
the surf of wounds, → BLOOD
the dark vulture of the BLOOD → RAVEN
1.2. (black or dark) bird of the battlefield (A2)
kolga benja
‘of the surf of wounds’ = BLOOD
the surf of wounds, → BLOOD
1.1. liquid of wounds (A2)
ǫðrum ulfbrynnandi
‘other wolf-waterers’ = WARRIORS
other wolf-waterers → WARRIORS
3.2.4. waterer of the wolf
blíðan hilmir heiðs háranns
‘the gracious ruler of the bright high hall’ = God
the bright high hall. → SKY/HEAVEN
the gracious ruler of the SKY/HEAVEN → God
1.1. lord of heaven
heiðs hárann
‘of the bright high hall’ = SKY/HEAVEN
the bright high hall. → SKY/HEAVEN
heaven (Christian)
spíra hringa
‘of the sapling of rings’ = WOMAN
the sapling of rings → WOMAN
female, woman
2.2. tree, wood of jewellery (B2c)
lofðungr lauks
‘the lord of the leek’ = WOMAN
The lord of the leek → WOMAN
female, woman
10.4. ruler of leek (B2a)
land hauka
‘the land of hawks’ = ARM
the land of hawks → ARM
arm, hand
1.1.1. land of the bird of prey (A3)
brandr máferils
‘with fires of the seagull-track’ = GOLD
the seagull-track; → SEA
with fires of the SEA → GOLD
[1] brǫndum: rǫndum all
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
‘of the seagull-track’ = SEA
the seagull-track; → SEA
6.2. path of the aquatic bird
hilmir hvítinga
‘the ruler of drinking-horns’ = WOMAN
the ruler of drinking-horns → WOMAN
female, woman
7.3. ruler of drinking vessel (B2a)
‘the poem-conveyer’ = POET
the poem-conveyer → POET
2.12. quick creator of poetry
dýr fiskifœra
‘the animal of fishing-gear [= (taumar ‘reins’)]’ = HORSE
the animal of fishing-gear [= (taumar ‘reins’)] → HORSE
2.1. animal of horse gear (A2)
Víðblinda galtar salts svalteigar rafkastandi
‘amber-thrower of the salty, cool meadow of the boar of Víðblindi’ = GENEROUS MAN
the boar of Víð blindi → WHALE
the salty, cool meadow of the WHALE → SEA
the amber of the SEA → GOLD
The thrower of the GOLD → GENEROUS MAN
generous man
2.3.1. flinger of gold
Víðblinda galtar salts svalteigar raf
‘of the amber of the salty, cool meadow of the boar of Víðblindi’ = GOLD
the boar of Víð blindi → WHALE
the salty, cool meadow of the WHALE → SEA
the amber of the SEA → GOLD
1.5. amber of waters (A1)
Víðblinda galtar salts svalteigr
‘of the salty, cool meadow of the boar of Víðblindi’ = SEA
the boar of Víð blindi → WHALE
the salty, cool meadow of the WHALE → SEA
3.1. land of the aquatic animal
Víðblinda galti
‘of the boar of Víðblindi’ = WHALE
the boar of Víð blindi → WHALE
1. pig of Víðblindi (A3)
selja rastar reyrþvengs
‘the willow of the path of the reed-thong’ = WOMAN
the reed-thong. → SNAKE
the path of the SNAKE → GOLD
the willow of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.2. tree, wood of riches, wealth (B2c)
rǫst reyrþvengs
‘of the path of the reed-thong’ = GOLD
the reed-thong. → SNAKE
the path of the SNAKE → GOLD
3.1.3. path of the serpent (A3)
‘of the reed-thong’ = SNAKE
the reed-thong. → SNAKE
serpent, snake
2.2. rope- or strap-like object of the land (A1b)
hart hregg benvargs
‘the strong storm of the wound-wolf’ = BATTLE
the wound-wolf → SWORD
The strong storm of the SWORD → BATTLE
battle storm/wind of the sword
‘of the wound-wolf’ = SWORD
the wound-wolf → SWORD
12.1.4. damaging being of the wound
sól bókar
‘the sun of the book’ = COLOUR
the sun of the book → COLOUR
. light of the book
hnegg foldar
‘the heart of the earth’ = STONE
The heart of the earth → STONE
rock, stone
1.1.3. organ of the earth
firnabjúgir fleygi-Njǫrðr fjarðelds
‘the overly stooping throwing-Nirðir of fjord-fire’ = GENEROUS MEN
fjord-fire → GOLD
the overly stooping throwing-Nirðir of the GOLD → GENEROUS MEN
generous man
2.3.1. flinger of gold
‘of fjord-fire’ = GOLD
fjord-fire → GOLD
1.1.1. fire of the sea (A1)
seimǫrr sigrgœðir
‘the gold-generous victory-increaser’ = WARRIOR
The gold-generous victory-increaser → WARRIOR
5.2. increaser / strengthener of victory
þann tregi orms
‘that grief of the snake’ = WINTER
that grief of the snake; → WINTER
1.3. sorrow of the snake
‘the necklace-diminisher’ = GENEROUS MAN = Sigurðr
the necklace-diminisher → GENEROUS MAN = Sigurðr
generous man
1.01.3. destroyer of the necklace
myrkaurriði markar
‘the dark trout of the forest’ = SERPENT = Fáfnir
the dark trout of the forest → SERPENT = Fáfnir
serpent, snake
1.1. fish or whale of the land (A1b)