1. diktan (noun f.) ‘[poem]’
Please note that the lexical concordance has not been reviewed and should not be referenced.
- words
- Anon Lil 99VII —
diktan ‘poem’l. 4
- AmbrReyk —
dictann ‘literary activity, composing written works (in Latin)’l. 159
- DN VIII (*[1341]›apogrˣ) —
diktan ‘expressing oneself in writing (in Latin), manner of expressing oneself in writing, mode of composition, formulation, style’l. 6470
- LBpA —
diktann ‘expressing oneself in writing (in Latin), manner of expressing oneself in writing, mode of composition, formulation, style’l. 8916
- LBpB —
diktan ‘expressing oneself in writing (in Latin), manner of expressing oneself in writing, mode of composition, formulation, style’l. 8917
- MarD634ˣ —
dictan ‘expressing oneself in writing (in Latin), manner of expressing oneself in writing, mode of composition, formulation, style’l. 8991
- MarE —
diktan ‘expressing oneself in writing (in Latin), manner of expressing oneself in writing, mode of composition, formulation, style’l. 8994
- MarF —
diktan ‘expressing oneself in writing (in Latin), manner of expressing oneself in writing, mode of composition, formulation, style’l. 8995
- Mar240a —
dicktan ‘expressing oneself in writing (in Latin), manner of expressing oneself in writing, mode of composition, formulation, style’l. 9000
- elements in compounds