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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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1. Skaldic Project Editors' Manual 4. Guidelines on presentation for submission A. Format, corpus and general layout 1. Format

1. Format

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

The edition will be issued both in book form and electronically, either as a CD-Rom and/or on the Web. Editors will produce word-processor documents. These will later be encoded in a structured way, and so form the basis of both the final electronic and print versions. In order to assist the process of encoding the edition, the following must be observed:

i. Only the ReykholtTimes font is permitted. This should have all necessary characters. If editors find the font inadequate, they should contact Tarrin Wills, who will modify the font as necessary.

ii. The documents must be saved in RTF (Rich Text Format).

iii. No formatting is permitted beyond what this document specifies.

Some formatting is required for submission to assist in the electronic encoding process. This formatting will not appear in the printed version, and will be marked accordingly below.

In addition, web interfaces are being developed for editors to enter some or all of the required information electronically. The web forms, when available, will be the preferred method of submission. However, the guidelines below, if followed accurately, will remain an acceptable format for submitting edited material.



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