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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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1. Skaldic Project Editors' Manual 3. Towards some editorial principles B. Consultation of mss 1. Which mss?

1. Which mss?

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

All the relevant ms. witnesses to the verse texts will be consulted, whether vellum or paper. Later copies of mss still extant need not be used, unless believed to be of particular value. In the rare cases where a very large number of mss are available (e.g. some seventy for Sólarljóð), some degree of selectivity will be necessary. This should be justified in the introduction to the poem, or to individual verses, whichever is most appropriate.

In some cases (for instance verses in Knýtlinga saga), an early printed edition constitutes a primary witness to the text on a par with manuscripts. In these cases the siglum should follow the format for prose works (e.g. Knýtl 1741; see >> 8. General conventions, but should be included in the list of mss for each verse and poem. A similar situation applies in the case of runic texts, where an edition must be cited as a primary source (unless the inscription is unpublished).



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