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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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○. Lexicon Poeticum Progress Diary 16. October 2017

16. October 2017

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

  • Added to new interface a facility for searching citations by manuscript. This provides a very useful facility for searching orthographical as well as lexical phenomena in the thousands of manuscripts represented by the ONP database. (Note that DI & DN (charters) do not have unambiguous linking where there is more than one charter per year. This could be addressed by manual linking.)
  • Linked back earlier imported headword list to recent ONP list (from April) - 90670 of 94521 linked (96%) automatically (but needing checking), and another 500 or so linked manually, with this process in progress
  • More work on the Málföng fornrit lemmatising, down to lemmas with 3 attestations (from K)

Progress at 30/10/17

Stanzas in corpus: 5797
Stanzas entered in database: 4897 (84.5%)
Variant readings: 46804
Words in corpus: 151566
Words lemmatised: 112384 (74.1%)
Stanzas with lexical variants: 759 (13.1%)
Lexical variants added: 6417
Lexical variants lemmatised: 5241 (81.7%)
Headwords linked to corpus: 14364



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