○. ONP: API 2. p=onpofsrchjson :: Wordform search (search wordforms in citations and get list of linked headwords) 2. p=onpofsrchjson :: Wordform search (search wordforms in citations and get list of linked headwords)
This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.
Matches all headwords which have the form ‘þetta’ (case and accent insensitive for normalised characters, but may be exact for manuscript forms of characters) recorded in the citations. Results limited to 100 rows.
- p=onpofsrchjson — required
- v= — search term in utf8; whole word is matched
Output columns:
- ohom: homograph number
- o: headword
- ogr1: part of speech
- ogr2: additional grammatical categorisation
- headwordkey: numeric key to headword — please use this key in your project to ensure that the link to the dictionary headword is reliable!