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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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○. Lexicon Poeticum Progress Diary 9. April 2017

9. April 2017

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

In April I started to work with ONP to follow their processes of dictionary writing and to gain an understanding of their database and methods.

As part of this process I developed queries to structure entries directly from the database, which led me to develop a whole new interface for them:

This should help in linking of LPs data to ONP, including definition structures and so on.

I also developed a system for converting the ONP encoded data to unicode. This is still a bit in progress.

I also worked on the framework interface:

  • Better handling of popups (e.g. spinner while loading)
  • New table editing interface using 'EditableGrid' library; also implements multiple tables in one form using linked forms

I also finished a chapter for a Handbook of Digital Humanities on 'User Interfaces'.



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