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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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1. Skaldic Project Editors' Manual 2. Reconstruction of poems E. Evidence for existence of particular poems

E. Evidence for existence of particular poems

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

1. Titles of poems attributed to poets in mss of prose works, e.g: Sem N. segir í Xdrápu. Some other references almost amount to titles, as when Arnórr’s erfidrápa for Haraldr harðráði is referred to but is nowhere actually called Haraldsdrápa. This kind of evidence is not problem-free. Prose statements about the provenance of verses are often uncheckable, especially when verses are so vague that they could be attached to a variety of heroes. Further, the naming of a poem in a medieval source does not necessarily prove its existence. Doubts have been expressed, for instance, about the Uppreistardrápa, attributed to Hallfreðr in Hallfreðar saga but not quoted. Nevertheless, the evidence of the mss should be accepted unless there are strong counter-indications.

2. Content may be used as evidence where external evidence is lacking. Extended references to an identifiable individual, or to events associated with an individual, are likely to imply a poem about him/her, though not necessarily so. Such references in a verse known or suspected to be a stef (refrain) would carry especial weight.



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