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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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○. Lexicon Poeticum Progress Diary 8. February-March 2017

8. February-March 2017

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

February and March have involved presenting the the project at the regional DH conference (DHN Gothenburg) as well as other work on the underlying project (SkP volume 3, which I prepared for final print publication during this period) and future projects (a new kenning lexicon).

The publication of SkP3 adds over 18,000 words to the finalised corpus, linked to over 5700 dictionary entries.

Progress at 31/3/17:

Stanzas in corpus: 5792
Stanzas entered in database: 4803 (82.9%)
Variant readings: 46521
Words in corpus: 150381
Words lemmatised: 106339 (70.7%)
Stanzas with lexical variants: 674 (11.6%)
Lexical variants added: 4774
Lexical variants lemmatised: 3884 (81.4%)
Headwords linked to corpus: 13946

I.e. 3000 words lemmatised, including 200 new headwords linked.



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