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Kenning Lexicon

Kenning Lexicon

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○. Lexicon Poeticum Progress Diary 6. December 2016

6. December 2016

This is not currently part of the peer-reviewed material of the project. Do not cite as a research publication.

Forms and interface (JQM)

  • Added more pop-up information links to generic forms as well as custom lemmatising forms
  • Refined the compound detection algorithm for the lexical variants form, to try to detect all possibilities of manuscript compounds based on the base text and apparatus and provide those options with appropriate information in the form. Some false positives, but mostly working quite well
  • Forms with multiple rows now automatically add blank rows as a blank row is filled out, rather than having to update page for every new row.
  • Custom mini keyboards for inserting characters enabled for some fields; also added more embedded fonts, e.g. for showing ReykholtTimes format correctly.
  • New form for realigning translation in a stanza ‑ Desktop interface version of this exists, but it is a very common procedure to encounter during lemmatising
  • Debugging

LP database

  • Consulted with ONP, added new structure for entering phrasal forms of words and collocations (linked to sense/definition under headword).
  • Worked on re-linking ONP wordlist wtih SkP/LP

Progress of lexicon (31 Dec.)

  • Lemmatised Merl II (68 sts) + ǪrvOdd Ævdr (72 sts) + Svart Skauf 1-12
  • Added lexical variants up to end of Vell + Eskál Lv + Tindr Hákdr + Þskúm + Vígf + Vagn + Thjsk + others + Hfr Óldr (SkP II, 403)
Stanzas in corpus: 5791
Stanzas entered in database: 4777 (82.5%)
Variant readings: 46486
Words in corpus: 150356
Words lemmatised: 100619 (66.9%)
Stanzas with lexical variants: 654 (11.3%)
Lexical variants added: 4480
Lexical variants lemmatised: 3632 (81.1%)
Headwords linked to corpus: 13605



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