This site is in progress and should not be referenced in research publications.
‘The Týr of the neck-ring’ = MAN
The Týr of the neck-ring → MAN
male, man
2.2. god of rings
‘mead-Nanna’ = WOMAN
mead-Nanna. → WOMAN
female, woman
6.1. female mythical being of drink (B2b)
Virfils vala garð-Váli
‘enclosure-Váli of the horses of Virfill’ = WARRIOR
the horses of Virfill → SHIPS
the enclosure of SHIPS → SHIELD
the Váli of the SHIELD → WARRIOR
warrior Váli of the weapon
‘the battle-Þróttr’ = WARRIOR
the battle-Þróttr. → WARRIOR
warrior Óðinn of battle
húfa skíð-Baldr
‘plank-Baldr of hulls’ = SEAFARER
the plank of hulls → SHIPS
1.3.1. god of the ship
‘the battle-Freyr’ = WARRIOR
the battle-Freyr → WARRIOR
warrior Freyr of battle
Freyr faxa fjarðar
‘The Freyr of the maned one of the fjord’ = SEAFARER
the maned one of the fjord → SHIP
The Freyr of the SHIP → SEAFARER
1.3.1. god of the ship
‘the spear-Þundr’ = WARRIOR
the spear-Þundr, → WARRIOR
warrior Óðinn of the weapon
randa róg-Þundr
‘strife-Þundr of shields’ = WARRIOR
the strife of shields. → BATTLE
to the Þundr of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
warrior Óðinn of battle
sunda sól-Njǫrðr
‘sun-Njörðr of the straits’ = MAN
the sun of the straits → GOLD
The Njörðr of the GOLD → MAN
male, man
2.1. god of gold
Skǫgul hnossa
‘Skögul of costly things’ = WOMAN
Skögul of costly things!’ → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.2. valkyrie of riches, wealth (B2b)
Skuldar ský-Baldr
‘cloud-Baldr of Skuld’ = WARRIOR
the cloud of Skuld, → SHIELD
Baldr of the SHIELD → WARRIOR
warrior Baldr of the weapon
‘gold-Rán’ = WOMAN
gold-Rán → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
mætr Gautr gullstaups
‘excellent Gautr of the golden cup’ = MAN
excellent Gautr of the golden cup, → MAN
male, man
2.1. god of gold
‘the luck-Njörðr’ = MAN
the luck-Njörðr. → MAN
male, man
Týr fasta farlands
‘the Týr of the fire of the vessel-land’ = MAN = Eiríkr
the vessel-land. → SEA
the fire of the SEA → GOLD
the Týr of the GOLD → MAN = Eiríkr
male, man
2.1. god of gold
áttstórr Ullr brands
‘the high-born Ullr of the sword’ = WARRIOR
The high-born Ullr of the sword → WARRIOR
warrior Ullr of the weapon
leyfðr Þundr hests grœðis
‘the celebrated Þundr of the horse of the sea’ = SEAFARER = Eiríkr
the horse of the sea → SHIP
the celebrated Þundr of the SHIP → SEAFARER = Eiríkr
1.3.1. god of the ship
hvatr Freyr folkstafns
‘the brave Freyr of the battle-stem’ = WARRIOR
the battle-stem, → SWORD
The brave Freyr of the SWORD → WARRIOR
warrior Freyr of the weapon
Reginn brynflagðs
‘the Reginn of the byrnie-troll-woman’ = WARRIOR = Eiríkr
the byrnie-troll-woman → AXE
the Reginn of the AXE → WARRIOR = Eiríkr
1.4.3. dwarf of the weapon
Þróttr þvergarða glyggs gunnranns
‘the Þróttr of the cross-fences of the storm of the battle-hall’ = WARRIOR
the battle -hall, → SHIELD
the storm of the SHIELD → BATTLE
the cross-fences of the BATTLE → SHIELD
the Þróttr of the SHIELD → WARRIOR
warrior Óðinn of the weapon
Týr sverða
‘The Týr of swords’ = WARRIOR
The Týr of swords → WARRIOR
warrior Týr of the weapon
Gunnr logs Nytju
‘the Gunnr of the flame of Nytja’ = WOMAN
the flame of Nytja → GOLD
the Gunnr of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.2. valkyrie of riches, wealth (B2b)
Hǫrn horna
‘the Hörn of drinking horns’ = WOMAN
the Hörn of drinking horns → WOMAN
female, woman
7.1. female mythical being of drinking vessel (B2b)
‘the ale-Gefn’ = WOMAN
The ale-Gefn, → WOMAN
female, woman
6.1. female mythical being of drink (B2b)
Bil brunnins logs báru
‘the Bil of the burnt fire of the wave’ = WOMAN
the burnt fire of the wave, → GOLD
the Bil of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
Fulla hǫfuðgulls
‘the Fulla of head-gold’ = WOMAN
head-gold. → HEADDRESS
the Fulla of HEADDRESS → WOMAN
female, woman
4.1. female mythical being of the headdress (B2b)
‘the tumult-Freyr’ = WARRIOR
the tumult-Freyr → WARRIOR
2.3.2. god of the tumult
Hermóðr látrs sigðis
‘the Hermóðr of the lair of the sword’ = WARRIOR
the lair of the sword → SHIELD
the Hermóðr of the SHIELD → WARRIOR
warrior Hermóðr of the weapon
‘of the ring-Skǫgul’ = WOMAN
the ring-Skǫgul → WOMAN
female, woman
2.1.2. valkyrie of jewellery (B2b)
grǫnn hirði-Sif fúrs flóðs
‘slender guarding-Sif of the fire of the sea’ = WOMAN
the fire of the sea, → GOLD
Slender guarding-Sif of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
fleiri tróða grjóts Hjaðninga
‘other poles of the stones of the Hjaðningar’ = VALKYRIES
the stones of the Hjaðningar. → CORPSES
other poles of CORPSES → VALKYRIES
1.3. woman of the slain (B2b)
Fjǫlnir fjalla
‘of the Fjǫlnir of the mountains’ = GIANT = Suttungr
the Fjǫlnir of the mountains; → GIANT = Suttungr
1.2. male mythical being of the mountains
Lofn landrifs
‘the Lofn of the land-rib’ = WOMAN
the land-rib → STONE
the Lofn of the STONE → WOMAN
female, woman
2.1.1. goddess of jewellery (B2b)
Áli vazt-undirkúlu
‘of the Áli of the fishing ground-under-knob’ = GIANT
the fishing ground-under-knob, → ROCK
the Áli of the ROCK → GIANT
1.3. legendary person of the mountains
dauðum grjót-Móði
‘the dead rock-Móði’ = GIANT
the dead rock-Móði. → GIANT
1.2. male mythical being of the mountains
Gerðr gollhrings
‘the Gerðr of the gold ring’ = WOMAN
the Gerðr of the gold ring → WOMAN
female, woman
2.1.1. goddess of jewellery (B2b)
Gerðr gollhrings
‘the Gerðr of the gold ring’ = WOMAN
the Gerðr of the gold ring → WOMAN
female, woman
2.1.1. goddess of jewellery (B2b)
Gerðr gollhrings
‘the Gerðr of the gold ring’ = WOMAN
the Gerðr of the gold ring → WOMAN
female, woman
2.1.1. goddess of jewellery (B2b)
Gerðr gollhrings
‘the Gerðr of the gold ring’ = WOMAN
the Gerðr of the gold ring → WOMAN
female, woman
2.1.1. goddess of jewellery (B2b)
Gerðr gollhrings
‘the Gerðr of the gold ring’ = WOMAN
the Gerðr of the gold ring → WOMAN
female, woman
2.1.1. goddess of jewellery (B2b)
gǫfug Hǫrn hvítings
‘a noble Hǫrn of the drinking horn’ = WOMAN
A noble Hǫrn of the drinking horn → WOMAN
female, woman
7.1. female mythical being of drinking vessel (B2b)
Draupnis dǫgg-Freyr
‘Draupnir’s dew-Freyr’ = MAN
the dew of Draupnir his → GOLD
the Freyr of the GOLD → MAN
male, man
2.1. god of gold
Baldr leiptra jarðar stafna
‘the Baldr of the lightnings of the land of prows’ = MAN
the land of prows, → SEA
the lightnings of the SEA → GOLD
the Baldr of the GOLD → MAN
male, man
2.1. god of gold
Falr brautar fannar
‘of the Falr of the path of the snow-drift’ = GIANT = Suttungr
the path of the snow-drift, → MOUNTAINS
the Falr of MOUNTAINS → GIANT = Suttungr
1.2. male mythical being of the mountains
gný-Þróttr jǫru
‘the din-Þróttr of battle’ = WARRIOR = Haraldr
The din-Þróttr of battle, → WARRIOR = Haraldr
warrior Óðinn of battle
Freyr foldar eggjar mækis
‘The Freyr of the land of the blade of the sword’ = WARRIOR
the land of the blade of the sword → SHIELD
The Freyr of the SHIELD → WARRIOR
warrior Freyr of the weapon
Sága rifjunga
‘of the Sága of swords’ = VALKYRIE
the Sága of swords → VALKYRIE
1.2. woman of weapons and armour (B2b)
mætra hjalta malm-Óðinn
‘metal-Óðinn of the splendid hilt’ = WARRIOR
the metal of the splendid hilt, → SWORD
That Óðinn of the SWORD → WARRIOR
warrior Óðinn of the weapon
gætir garðs sóta Glamma
‘the guardian of the fence of the steed of Glammi <sea-king>’ = WARRIOR
the steed of Glammi <sea-king>, → SHIP
the fence of the SHIP → SHIELD
The guardian of the SHIELD → WARRIOR
1.7.11. guardian of the weapon
þeim Beimi þrafna byrjar
‘that Beimi <sea-king> of the stave of the fair wind’ = SEA-WARRIOR = Haraldr
the stave of the fair wind. → SHIP
that Beimi <sea-king> of the SHIP → SEA-WARRIOR = Haraldr
1.5. sea-king of the ship
hugprúðr blára odda brak-Njǫrðr
‘crash-Njǫrðr of dark spear-points’ = WARRIOR
the crash of dark spear-points → BATTLE
The noble Njǫrðr of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
warrior Njǫrðr of battle
Hlǫkk drífu Kraka
‘of the Hlǫkk of Kraki’s snow-drift’ = WOMAN
Kraki’s snow-drift → GOLD
the Hlǫkk of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.2. valkyrie of riches, wealth (B2b)
annan ljóss víga* veðr-Þróttr
‘storm-Þróttr of the flame of battles’ = WARRIOR
the flame of battles → SWORD
the storm of the SWORD → BATTLE
another Þróttr of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
warrior Óðinn of battle
‘the ring-Þróttr’ = MAN
the ring-Þróttr → MAN
male, man
2.2. god of rings
engum Gautr hrynvengis mens grundar
‘no Gautr of the ringing-land of the necklace of the earth’ = MAN
the necklace of the earth → Miðgarðsormr
the ringing-land of MIÐGARÐSORMR → GOLD
no Gautr of the GOLD → MAN
male, man
2.1. god of gold
Vár víns
‘the Vôr of wine’ = WOMAN = Mary Magdalene
the Vôr of wine → WOMAN = Mary Magdalene
female, woman
6.1. female mythical being of drink (B2b)
‘of the rock-Níðuðr’ = GIANT = Þjazi
the rock-Níðuðr → GIANT = Þjazi
1.3. legendary person of the mountains
‘of ale-Gefn’ = WOMAN = Iðunn
ale-Gefn, → WOMAN = Iðunn
female, woman
6.1. female mythical being of drink (B2b)
‘of the ale-Gefn’ = WOMAN = Iðunn
the ale-Gefn → WOMAN = Iðunn
female, woman
6.1. female mythical being of drink (B2b)
Finnr fjalla
‘of the Finnr of the mountains’ = GIANT = Hrungnir
the Finnr of the mountains. → GIANT = Hrungnir
1.1. man of the mountains
‘of rock-danes’ = GIANTS
rock-Danes → GIANTS
1.1. man of the mountains
‘the ale-Gefjun’ = WOMAN = Gróa
the ale-Gefjun → WOMAN = Gróa
female, woman
6.1. female mythical being of drink (B2b)
‘of the battle-Rán’ = VALKYRIE
the battle-Rán → VALKYRIE
1.1. woman of battle (B2b)
Týr of bauga
‘of the Týr of rings’ = MAN
the Týr of rings. → MAN
male, man
2.2. god of rings
farlig Gerðr gims
‘an attractive Gerðr of the fire’ = WOMAN
an attractive Gerðr of the fire → WOMAN
female, woman
13.1. female mythical being of fire (B2b)
Viðurr brynju
‘the Viðurr of the mail-shirt’ = WARRIOR = Hákon
the Viðurr of the mail-shirt → WARRIOR = Hákon
1.5.2. male mythical being of the mail-coat
Ullr geirvaðils
‘the Ullr of the spear-ford’ = WARRIOR = Hákon jarl
the spear-ford, → SHIELD
the Ullr of the SHIELD → WARRIOR = Hákon jarl
warrior Ullr of the weapon
veiti-Njótr oddgaldrs
‘the proffering Njótar of the point-chant’ = WARRIORS
the point-chant → BATTLE
the proffering Njótar of the BATTLE → WARRIORS
warrior Óðinn of battle
Njǫrðr raddar hámána nadds
‘the Njǫrðr of the voice of the high moon of the spear’ = WARRIOR = Hákon
the high moon of the spear → SHIELD
the voice of the SHIELD → BATTLE
the Njǫrðr of the BATTLE → WARRIOR = Hákon
warrior Njǫrðr of battle
vápnunduðum Njǫrðr víðra landa sunda valbrands
‘the weapon-wounded Njǫrðr of the wide lands of the inlets of the slaughter-fire’ = WARRIOR = Guthormr Eiríksson
the slaughter -fire. → SWORD
the inlets of the SWORD → BLOOD
the wide lands of the BLOOD → SHIELDS
the weapon-wounded Njǫrðr of SHIELDS → WARRIOR = Guthormr Eiríksson
warrior Njǫrðr of the weapon
Baldr bensíks
‘the Baldr of the wound-fish’ = WARRIOR = Hákon
the wound-fish, → SWORD
the Baldr of the SWORD → WARRIOR = Hákon
warrior Baldr of the weapon
Hroptr hjaldrskýja
‘the Hroptr of battle-clouds’ = WARRIOR = Hákon
battle-clouds → SHIELDS
the Hroptr of SHIELDS → WARRIOR = Hákon
warrior Óðinn of the weapon
Baldr bauga
‘of the Baldr of rings’ = MAN
the Baldr of rings → MAN
male, man
2.2. god of rings
Njǫrðr orms alnar
‘of the Njǫrðr of the serpent of the forearm’ = MAN
the serpent of the forearm, → ARM-RING
the Njǫrðr of the ARM-RING → MAN
male, man
2.2. god of rings
harðir Njǫrðr hjǫrva
‘the harsh Nirðir of swords’ = WARRIORS
the harsh Nirðir of swords, → WARRIORS
warrior Njǫrðr of the weapon
Njǫrðr bǫðvar
‘of the Nirðir of battle’ = WARRIORS
the Nirðir of battle; → WARRIORS
warrior Njǫrðr of battle
‘of the helmet-Týr’ = WARRIOR
the helmet-Týr → WARRIOR
1.5.1. male mythical being of the helmet
harðir fleystéttar hyr-Njǫrðr
‘ship-path’s fire-Nirðir’ = MEN
the ship-path → SEA
the fire of the SEA → GOLD
Harsh Nirðir of the GOLD → MEN
male, man
2.1. god of gold
gunnþorinn gunn-Freyr
‘the battle-daring battle-Freyr’ = WARRIOR
the battle-daring battle-Freyr → WARRIOR
warrior Freyr of battle
Freyja randar
‘of the Freyja of the shield-rim’ = VALKYRIE
the Freyja of the shield-rim. → VALKYRIE
1.2. woman of weapons and armour (B2b)
Gǫndlar veggjar glygg-Freyr
‘Gǫndul’s wall’s storm-Freyr’ = WARRIOR
Gǫndul’s wall. → SHIELD
the storm of the SHIELD → BATTLE
The Freyr of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
warrior Freyr of battle
‘to the spear-Hroptar’ = WARRIORS
to the spear-Hroptar. → WARRIORS
warrior Óðinn of the weapon
‘of the bow-Gautar’ = WARRIORS
the bow-Gautar → WARRIORS
warrior Óðinn of the weapon
vegstórum baug-Njǫrðr
‘the honourable ring-Njǫrðr’ = MAN = Perus
the honourable ring-Njǫrðr → MAN = Perus
male, man
2.2. god of rings
egghríðar ský-Þundr
‘cloud-Þundar of the edge-storm’ = WARRIORS
the edge-storm → BATTLE
the cloud of the BATTLE → SHIELD
Þundar of the SHIELD → WARRIORS
warrior Óðinn of the weapon
Baldr hringa
‘Baldr of rings’ = MAN
Baldr of rings; → MAN
male, man
2.2. god of rings
Yggr rimmu
‘Yggr of battle’ = WARRIOR
Yggr of battle, → WARRIOR
warrior Óðinn of battle
heitfastr hjálm-Týr
‘the pledge-firm helmet-Týr’ = WARRIOR
The pledge-firm helmet-Týr → WARRIOR
1.5.1. male mythical being of the helmet
snar-Baldr hjarar
‘the bold Baldr of the sword’ = WARRIOR
The bold Baldr of the sword → WARRIOR
warrior Baldr of the weapon
‘the wealth-Týr’ = MAN
The wealth-Týr → MAN
male, man
2.3. god of wealth
‘the battle-Týr’ = WARRIOR
the battle-Týr → WARRIOR
2.3.1. god of battle
Gautr skúrar stála
‘the Gautr of the shower of swords’ = WARRIOR
the shower of swords → BATTLE
the Gautr of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
warrior Óðinn of battle
‘against battle-Nirðir’ = WARRIORS
against battle-Nirðir. → WARRIORS
warrior Njǫrðr of battle
‘of the mountain-Gautr’ = GIANT
the mountain-Gautr → GIANT
1.1. man of the mountains
fullǫflug Hildr fjalla
‘the exceedingly strong Hildr of the mountains’ = GIANTESS
The exceedingly strong Hildr of the mountains → GIANTESS
giantess, troll-woman
2.1. female being of mountain-environment (B2b and B2c)
fǫgr Guðr seima
‘the beautiful Guðr of gold’ = WOMAN
the beautiful Guðr of gold → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.2. valkyrie of riches, wealth (B2b)
Gná hringa
‘the Gná of rings’ = WOMAN = Ingibjǫrg
the Gná of rings. → WOMAN = Ingibjǫrg
female, woman
2.1.1. goddess of jewellery (B2b)
ungr Ullr egghríðar
‘the young Ullr of the blade-storm’ = WARRIOR = Vagn
the blade-storm → BATTLE
the young Ullr of the BATTLE → WARRIOR = Vagn
warrior Ullr of battle
ǫrlyndr Ullr þrymu randa
‘the brave Ullr of the thunder of shields’ = WARRIOR = Vagn
the thunder of shields → BATTLE
the brave Ullr of the BATTLE → WARRIOR = Vagn
warrior Ullr of battle
Baldr eims báru
‘The Baldur of the fire of the wave’ = MAN
the fire of the wave → GOLD
The Baldur of the GOLD → MAN
male, man
2.1. god of gold
sjá Þrúðr falda
‘that Þrúðr of headdresses’ = WOMAN
that Þrúðr of headdresses → WOMAN
female, woman
4.1. female mythical being of the headdress (B2b)
Hlín brendra bauga
‘the Hlín of burnished rings’ = WOMAN
the Hlín of burnished rings → WOMAN
female, woman
2.1.1. goddess of jewellery (B2b)
Nanna falda
‘the Nanna of headdresses’ = WOMAN
the Nanna of headdresses, → WOMAN
female, woman
4.1. female mythical being of the headdress (B2b)
Þrúðr bála sævar
‘the Þrúðr of the fires of the sea’ = WOMAN
the fires of the sea → GOLD
the Þrúðr of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
hin bezta Hǫrn leiðar orma
‘the best Hörn of the path of serpents’ = WOMAN
the path of serpents, → GOLD
the best Hörn of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
Nanna elda unnar
‘Nanna of the fires of the wave’ = WOMAN
the fires of the wave, → GOLD
Nanna of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
Þrúðr vella
‘the Þrúðr of gold’ = WOMAN
the Þrúðr of gold → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
Lofn elda hnyssings teigs
‘Lofn of the fires of the whale’s land’ = WOMAN
the whale’s land, → SEA
the fires of the SEA → GOLD
Lofn of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
Hlǫkk bauga
‘the Hlökk of rings’ = WOMAN
the Hlökk of rings → WOMAN
female, woman
2.1.2. valkyrie of jewellery (B2b)
Lofn guðvefs
‘Lofn of velvet’ = WOMAN
Lofn of velvet, → WOMAN
female, woman
5.1. female mythical being of cloth (B2b)
Sága eiða linns
‘of the Sága of the lands of the serpent’ = WOMAN
the lands of the serpent. → GOLD
the Sága of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
Hrist hrings
‘The Hrist of the ring’ = WOMAN
The Hrist of the ring → WOMAN
female, woman
2.1.2. valkyrie of jewellery (B2b)
Gautr málma
‘the Gautar of metal’ = WARRIORS
the Gautar of metal; → WARRIORS
warrior Óðinn of the weapon
Sága elda síks
‘the Sága of the fires of the channel’ = WOMAN
the fires of the channel → GOLD
the Sága of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
Þundr grundar orma
‘the Þundr of the land of serpents’ = WARRIOR
the land of serpents, → GOLD
the Þundr of the GOLD → WARRIOR
male, man
2.1. god of gold
Njǫrðr leitis linna
‘The Njörðr of the hill of serpents’ = MAN
the hill of serpents → GOLD
The Njörðr of the GOLD → MAN
male, man
2.1. god of gold
Ullr dýra unnar
‘the Ullar of the animals of the wave’ = SEAFARERS
the animals of the wave → SHIPS
the Ullar of SHIPS → SEAFARERS
1.3.1. god of the ship
þrimu þornheims Þundr
‘thorn-home of battle’ = WARRIOR = Óláfr
the thorn of battle. → SWORD
the home of the SWORD → SHIELD
the Þundr of the SHIELD → WARRIOR = Óláfr
warrior Óðinn of the weapon
Hǫðr heinlands
‘the Hǫðr of the whetstone-land’ = WARRIOR
the whetstone-land → SWORD
the Hǫðr of the SWORD → WARRIOR
warrior Hǫðr of the weapon
malma jalm-Freyr
‘noise-Freyr of weapons’ = WARRIOR
the noise of weapons → BATTLE
the Freyr of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
warrior Freyr of battle
Leikn odda
‘of the Leikn of spears’ = VALKYRIE
the Leikn of spears. → VALKYRIE
1.2. woman of weapons and armour (B2b)
Njǫrun vínkers
‘a Njǫrun of the wine-vessel’ = WOMAN
a Njǫrun of the wine-vessel → WOMAN
female, woman
7.1. female mythical being of drinking vessel (B2b)
Lofn lauka
‘the Lofn of leeks’ = WOMAN
the Lofn of leeks → WOMAN
female, woman
10.1. goddess of leek (B2b)
saurga flot-Gríðr
‘the filthy Gríðr of fat’ = WOMAN
the filthy Gríðr of fat. → WOMAN
female, woman
11.1. giantess of food (B2b)
orðvísa Áss járnraddar
‘the word-wise æsir of the iron-voice’ = WARRIORS
the iron-voice → BATTLE
the word-wise Æsir of the BATTLE → WARRIORS
2.3.1. god of battle
Ullr elda elfar
‘An Ullr of the fires of the river’ = MAN
the fires of the river → GOLD
An Ullr of the GOLD → MAN
male, man
2.1. god of gold
siðminningr Þróttr seima
‘the faithful Þróttr of riches’ = MAN
The faithful Þróttr of riches → MAN
male, man
2.1. god of gold
margr frár Ullr oddsennu
‘many a fierce Ullr of the point-quarrel’ = WARRIOR
the point-quarrel → BATTLE
Many a fierce Ullr of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
warrior Ullr of battle
Hlǫkk horna
‘the Hlǫkk of drinking horns’ = WOMAN
the Hlǫkk of drinking horns → WOMAN
female, woman
7.1. female mythical being of drinking vessel (B2b)
Sól dags unnar
‘Sól of the wave’s daylight’ = WOMAN
the wave’s daylight, → GOLD
Sól of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
Skǫgul borða
‘to the Skǫgul of the trimming’ = WOMAN
to the Skǫgul of the trimming, → WOMAN
female, woman
3.1. female mythical being of embroidery (B2b)
Yggr valbríkar
‘of the Yggr of the slain-plank’ = WARRIOR
the slain-plank; → SHIELD
the Yggr of the SHIELD → WARRIOR
warrior Óðinn of the weapon
Freyr fúra mundar
‘the Freyr of flames of the hand’ = MAN = Eindriði
flames of the hand → GOLD
the Freyr of the GOLD → MAN = Eindriði
male, man
2.1. god of gold
Baldr atgeirs
‘the Baldr of the halberd’ = WARRIOR
the Baldr of the halberd → WARRIOR
warrior Baldr of the weapon
hvít Hlín jótra heiðar
‘the white Hlín of the heath’s molars’ = WOMAN
the heath’s molars → STONES
The white Hlín of STONES → WOMAN
female, woman
2.1.1. goddess of jewellery (B2b)
Hildr Hǫrngráts
‘The Hildr of Hǫrn’s weeping’ = WOMAN
Hǫrn’s weeping → GOLD
The Hildr of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.2. valkyrie of riches, wealth (B2b)
dáin lauk-Frigg lǫgðis
‘the torpid leek-Frigg of the sword’ = WOMAN
The torpid leek-Frigg of the sword → WOMAN
female, woman
10.1. goddess of leek (B2b)
Nanna bjórranns
‘Nanna of the beer-mansion’ = WOMAN
the beer-mansion; → DRINKING HORN
female, woman
7.1. female mythical being of drinking vessel (B2b)
fýris fúr-Gná
‘of the fire-Gná of pine’ = WOMAN
the Gná of the pine-fire. → WOMAN
female, woman
13.1. female mythical being of fire (B2b)
Njǫrðr naddregns
‘Njǫrðr of the spear-rain’ = WARRIOR = Hákon
the spear-rain, → BATTLE
Njǫrðr of the BATTLE → WARRIOR = Hákon
warrior Njǫrðr of battle
einhver eld-Gefn
‘a certain fire-Gefn’ = WOMAN
a certain fire-Gefn → WOMAN
female, woman
13.1. female mythical being of fire (B2b)
Bil bríma stalls bauga
‘the Bil of the flame of the standing-place of rings’ = WOMAN
the standing-place of rings; → ARM/HAND
the flame of the ARM/HAND → GOLD
the Bil of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
Gerðr váða
‘Gerðr of garments’ = WOMAN
Gerðr of garments, → WOMAN
female, woman
5.1. female mythical being of cloth (B2b)
Jǫrð flausts ifla
‘Jǫrð of the ship of the hawk’ = WOMAN
the ship of the hawk, → ARM
Jǫrð of the ARM → WOMAN
female, woman
12.1. female mythical being of arm/hand (B2b)
Hlǫkk hrammfjǫturs
‘the Hlǫkk of the arm-fetter’ = WOMAN
the arm-fetter → ARM-RING
the Hlǫkk of the ARM-RING → WOMAN
female, woman
2.1.2. valkyrie of jewellery (B2b)
Gefn stafns
‘the Gefn of the headdress’ = WOMAN
the Gefn of the headdress. → WOMAN
female, woman
4.1. female mythical being of the headdress (B2b)
fagra Syn sædags
‘the beautiful Syn of the sea-day’ = WOMAN
the sea-day → GOLD
the beautiful Syn of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
Njǫrðr sóknar
‘Njǫrðr of combat’ = WARRIOR
Njǫrðr of combat, and I → WARRIOR
warrior Njǫrðr of battle
[Baldr] brynþings
‘[The Baldr] of the byrnie-assembly’ = WARRIOR = Sveinn
the byrnie-assembly → BATTLE
[The Baldr] of the BATTLE → WARRIOR = Sveinn
warrior Baldr of battle
Baldr] fetilstinga
‘the Baldr] of sword-belt stabbers’ = WARRIOR = Haraldr
sword-belt stabbers, → SWORDS
the Baldr] of SWORDS → WARRIOR = Haraldr
warrior Baldr of the weapon
sjá inn nørðri Njǫrðr glymhríðar borða
‘that, the more northerly, Njǫrðr of the clashing storm of shields’ = WARRIOR = Haraldr
the clashing storm of shields → BATTLE
That, the more northerly, Njǫrðr of the BATTLE → WARRIOR = Haraldr
warrior Njǫrðr of battle
Nauma hornstraums
‘with a Nauma of the horn-stream’ = WOMAN
the horn-stream → ALE
with a Nauma of the ALE → WOMAN
female, woman
6.1. female mythical being of drink (B2b)
Gerðr galdrs
‘the Gerðr of incantation’ = WOMAN
the Gerðr of incantation, → WOMAN
female, woman
15. unique
valgrindar Gefn
‘of the Gefn of the slaughter-gate’ = VALKYRIE
the slaughter -gate, → SHIELD
the Gefn of the SHIELD → VALKYRIE
1.2. woman of weapons and armour (B2b)
Gunnr hvítinga
‘Gunnr of drinking-horns’ = WOMAN
Gunnr of drinking-horns. → WOMAN
female, woman
7.1. female mythical being of drinking vessel (B2b)
jǫrp arm-Hlín
‘the brown-haired Hlín of the arm’ = WOMAN
The brown-haired Hlín of the arm → WOMAN
female, woman
12.1. female mythical being of arm/hand (B2b)
Gerðr gollhrings
‘of the Gerðr of the gold ring’ = WOMAN
the Gerðr of the gold ring → WOMAN
female, woman
2.1.1. goddess of jewellery (B2b)
Njǫrðr bauglands
‘the Njǫrðr of the shield-boss land’ = WARRIOR
the shield-boss land → SHIELD
the Njǫrðr of the SHIELD → WARRIOR
warrior Njǫrðr of the weapon
heldr hæðinni silki-Gunnr
‘the rather mocking silk-Gunnr’ = WOMAN
the rather mocking silk-Gunnr: → WOMAN
female, woman
5.1. female mythical being of cloth (B2b)
Hlǫkk haukstrindar
‘the Hlǫkk of the hawk-land’ = WOMAN = Ragna
the hawk-land → ARM
the Hlǫkk of the ARM → WOMAN = Ragna
female, woman
12.1. female mythical being of arm/hand (B2b)
inn fjǫlkunni Gautr gunnelds
‘the sorcerous Gautr of war-flame’ = WARRIOR
war-flame → SWORD
The sorcerous Gautr of the SWORD → WARRIOR
warrior Óðinn of the weapon
Gautar hellis
‘of the Gautar of the cave’ = GIANTS
the Gautar of the cave → GIANTS
1.1.1. man of the cave
hvítri bið-Gunnr hlaðs
‘the white waiting-Gunnr <valkyrie> of lace-work’ = WOMAN
the white waiting-Gunnr <valkyrie> of lace-work → WOMAN
female, woman
3.1. female mythical being of embroidery (B2b)
Ullr ímunlauks
‘Ullr of the battle-leek’ = WARRIOR
the battle-leek. → SWORD
Ullr of the SWORD → WARRIOR
warrior Ullr of the weapon
góðlôt Gefn slóðar vala
‘the courteous Gefn of the track of falcons’ = WOMAN
the track of falcons, → ARM
The courteous Gefn of the ARM → WOMAN
female, woman
12.1. female mythical being of arm/hand (B2b)
‘clasp-Bil’ = WOMAN = Áslaug-Randalín
clasp-Bil. → WOMAN = Áslaug-Randalín
female, woman
2.1.1. goddess of jewellery (B2b)
Sif silkis
‘Sif of silk’ = WOMAN
Sif of silk → WOMAN
female, woman
5.1. female mythical being of cloth (B2b)
ítr ǫl-Gerðr
‘splendid ale-Gerðr’ = WOMAN
splendid ale-Gerðr. → WOMAN
female, woman
6.1. female mythical being of drink (B2b)
aldrœnn sig-Freyr
‘elderly battle-Freyr’ = WARRIOR
elderly battle-Freyr → WARRIOR
warrior Freyr of battle
haldorð Hildr valteigs
‘the faithful Hildr of the falcon-field’ = WOMAN
the falcon-field → ARM
the faithful Hildr of the ARM → WOMAN
female, woman
12.1. female mythical being of arm/hand (B2b)
Bjarki stála
‘The Bjarki of weapons’ = WARRIOR
The Bjarki of weapons → WARRIOR
1.6. legendary hero of weapons
Týr ónhjalta
‘the Týr of sword-hilts’ = WARRIOR = me
the Týr of sword-hilts; → WARRIOR = me
warrior Týr of the weapon
hlað-Nipt alindriptar
‘headband-Nipt <norn> of forearm-snow’ = WOMAN
forearm-snow → GOLD
headband-Nipt <norn> of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.3. norn of riches, wealth (B2b)
Ullr undleygs
‘Ullr of the wound-flame’ = WARRIOR
the wound-flame, → SWORD
Ullr of the SWORD → WARRIOR
warrior Ullr of the weapon
Hildr hvítings
‘Hildr of the bright drinking-horn’ = WOMAN
Hildr of the bright drinking-horn, → WOMAN
female, woman
7.1. female mythical being of drinking vessel (B2b)
Hlín svalteigar
‘Hlín of the cool plot’ = WOMAN
the cool plot, → SEA
Hlín of the SEA → WOMAN
female, woman
14.1. goddess of sea (B2b)
grǫnn Skǫgul in hvíta setrs hauka
‘the slender, white Skǫgul of the seat of hawks’ = WOMAN
the seat of hawks → ARM
the slender, white Skǫgul of the ARM → WOMAN
female, woman
12.1. female mythical being of arm/hand (B2b)
Gunnr nála
‘the Gunnr of needles’ = WOMAN = Ingibjǫrg
the Gunnr of needles → WOMAN = Ingibjǫrg
female, woman
3.1. female mythical being of embroidery (B2b)
sjúkri Njǫrun síka eyfitja
‘the sick Njǫrun of the fishes of the island-meadows’ = WOMAN
the fishes of the island-meadows – → SERPENTS
the sick Njǫrun of SERPENTS → WOMAN
female, woman
2.1.1. goddess of jewellery (B2b)
Vǫlundr rómu
‘the vǫlundr of strife’ = WARRIOR = Gautr Jónsson
the Vǫlundr of strife → WARRIOR = Gautr Jónsson
. smith of battle
sú Gerðr garða raðar svarðar
‘that Gerðr of the fences of the ridge of the scalp’ = WOMAN
the ridge of the scalp → HEAD
the fences of the HEAD → HEADBANDS
that Gerðr of HEADBANDS → WOMAN
female, woman
4.1. female mythical being of the headdress (B2b)
‘sword-Gautr’ = WARRIOR
sword-Gautr; → WARRIOR
warrior Óðinn of the weapon
Freyr víga
‘Freyr of battles’ = WARRIOR
Freyr of battles, → WARRIOR
warrior Freyr of battle
‘the weaving-Gefn’ = WOMAN
the weaving-Gefn → WOMAN
female, woman
5.1. female mythical being of cloth (B2b)
Yggr áleggjar
‘of the Yggr of the river-limb’ = GIANT
the river- limb → ROCK
the Yggr of the ROCK → GIANT
1.2. male mythical being of the mountains
Skǫgul fjarðbyggs
‘the Skǫgul of fjord-barley’ = WOMAN
fjord-barley → JEWEL
the Skǫgul of the JEWEL → WOMAN
female, woman
2.1.2. valkyrie of jewellery (B2b)
‘the Skǫgul of gold’ = WOMAN
the Skǫgul of gold → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.2. valkyrie of riches, wealth (B2b)
Njǫrðr bauga
‘the Nirðir <gods> of rings’ = MEN
the Nirðir <gods> of rings → MEN
male, man
2.2. god of rings
Nanna gulls
‘the Nanna of gold’ = WOMAN
the Nanna of gold → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
Sága gulls
‘the Sága of gold’ = WOMAN
the Sága of gold; → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
græðis glóð-Nanna
‘the glow-Nanna of the sea’ = WOMAN
the glow of the sea → GOLD
The Nanna of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
‘for the silk-Sól’ = WOMAN
for the silk-Sól → WOMAN
female, woman
5.1. female mythical being of cloth (B2b)
mild auðar-Bil
‘the pious wealth-Bil’ = WOMAN
the pious wealth-Bil → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
hosk Bil baugstalls
‘the wise Bil of the ring-seat’ = WOMAN
the ring-seat → ARM
the wise Bil of the ARM → WOMAN
female, woman
12.1. female mythical being of arm/hand (B2b)
Hildr hrings
‘The Hildr of the ring’ = WOMAN
The Hildr of the ring → WOMAN
female, woman
2.1.2. valkyrie of jewellery (B2b)
Hlín hrings
‘The Hlín of the ring’ = WOMAN
The Hlín of the ring → WOMAN
female, woman
2.1.2. valkyrie of jewellery (B2b)
Vǫr gulls
‘the Vör of gold’ = WOMAN
the Vör of gold → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
Hrund gulls
‘a Hrund of gold’ = WOMAN
a Hrund of gold, → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.2. valkyrie of riches, wealth (B2b)
‘the battle-Baldr’ = WARRIOR
the battle-Baldr → WARRIOR
warrior Baldr of battle
Baldr baugs
‘the Baldr of the ring’ = MAN = Þorkell
the Baldr of the ring → MAN = Þorkell
male, man
2.2. god of rings
Týr dýrra tjǫrva
‘the Týr of precious spears’ = WARRIOR
the Týr of precious spears → WARRIOR
warrior Týr of the weapon
andvǫnum sann-Njǫrðungr seima
‘life-lacking true Njǫrðungar of gold’ = MEN
life-lacking true Njǫrðungar of gold → MEN
male, man
2.1. god of gold
unnar elg-Þróttr
‘the elk-Þróttr of the wave’ = SEAFARER
the elk of the wave → SHIP
the Þróttr of the SHIP → SEAFARER
1.3.1. god of the ship
Sjǫfn seims
‘Sjǫfn of gold’ = WOMAN
Sjǫfn of gold, → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
‘the hoard-Gefn’ = WOMAN
the hoard-Gefn → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
hættin Jǫrð hǫrstrengs
‘the virtuous Jǫrð of the linen-ribbon’ = WOMAN
The virtuous Jǫrð of the linen-ribbon → WOMAN
female, woman
3.1. female mythical being of embroidery (B2b)
Þvinnils víðrar foldar vigg-Baldr
‘horse-Baldr of the wide land of Þvinnill’ = SEAFARER
the wide land of Þvinnill → SEA
the horse of the SEA → SHIP
the Baldr of the SHIP → SEAFARER
1.3.1. god of the ship
hjaldrserks hyr-Þróttr
‘the fire-Þróttar of the war shirt’ = WARRIORS
the war-shirt → MAIL-SHIRT
the fire of the MAIL-SHIRT → SWORD
the Þróttar of the SWORD → WARRIORS
warrior Óðinn of the weapon
hugfylldr Baldr hodda
‘the courage-filled Baldr of hoards’ = MAN
The courage-filled Baldr of hoards → MAN
male, man
2.3. god of wealth
odda þings hyr-Þróttr
‘fire-Þróttr of the assembly of spears’ = WARRIOR
the assembly of spears → BATTLE
the fire of the BATTLE → SWORD
The Þróttr of the SWORD → WARRIOR
warrior Óðinn of the weapon
Þungra strengjar
‘the Þungra of the ribbon’ = WOMAN
the Þungra of the ribbon → WOMAN
female, woman
3.1. female mythical being of embroidery (B2b)
Njǫrðr elda handa
‘the Njǫrðr of the fires of arms’ = MAN
the fires of arms → ARM-RINGS
the Njǫrðr of ARM-RINGS → MAN
male, man
2.2. god of rings
ósk-Rán ofþerris æða
‘the desiring-Rán of the excessive drying of veins’ = VALKYRIE = Hildr
the desiring-Rán of the excessive drying of veins → VALKYRIE = Hildr
1.6. desiring-goddess of slaughter (B2b)
hristi-Sif hringa
‘the shaking-Sif of rings’ = VALKYRIE = Hildr
the shaking-Sif of rings, → VALKYRIE = Hildr
1.2.1. shaking-goddess of the (hilt-)ring (B2b)
sú bœti-Þrúðr dreyrugra benja
‘that curing-Þrúðr of bloody wounds’ = VALKYRIE = Hildr
That curing-Þrúðr of bloody wounds → VALKYRIE = Hildr
1.5. curing-goddess of wounds (B2b)
Viðrir Hveðru brynju
‘the Viðrir of the Hveðra of the mail-coat’ = WARRIOR = Hǫgni
the Hveðra of the mail-coat. → AXE
the Viðrir of the AXE → WARRIOR = Hǫgni
warrior Óðinn of the weapon
gunnbráðr Njǫrðr gǫndlar
‘the war-hasty Njǫrðr of battle’ = WARRIOR = Rǫgnvaldr
the war-hasty Njǫrðr of battle → WARRIOR = Rǫgnvaldr
warrior Njǫrðr of battle
Þundr rennu randhvéls
‘about the Þundr of the rush of the rim-wheel’ = WARRIOR = Óláfr Tryggvason
the rim-wheel; → SHIELD
the rush of the SHIELD → BATTLE
about the Þundr of the BATTLE → WARRIOR = Óláfr Tryggvason
warrior Óðinn of battle
mildum Þróttar þing-Baldr
‘assembly-Baldr of Þróttr’ = WARRIOR = Óláfr
the assembly of Þróttr, → BATTLE
for the generous Baldr of the BATTLE → WARRIOR = Óláfr
warrior Baldr of battle
ókvíðinn Ullar kjóla él-Freyr
‘storm-Freyr of the ships of Ullr’ = WARRIOR
the ships of Ullr → SHIELDS
the storm of SHIELDS → BATTLE
the unworried Freyr of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
warrior Freyr of battle
fríðr Skǫglar elda sker-Baldr
‘skerry-Baldr of the fires of Skǫgul’ = WARRIOR = Óláfr
the fires of Skǫgul → SWORDS
the skerry of SWORDS → SHIELDS
the handsome Baldr of SHIELDS → WARRIOR = Óláfr
warrior Baldr of the weapon
hvítra skjalda hyr-Baldr
‘fire-Baldr of white shields’ = WARRIOR = Óláfr
the fire of white shields, → SWORD
The Baldr of the SWORD → WARRIOR = Óláfr
warrior Baldr of the weapon
hóps hyr-Njǫrðr
‘fire-Njǫrðr of the bay’ = MAN
the fire of the bay, → GOLD
Njǫrðr of the GOLD → MAN
male, man
2.1. god of gold
Sýr fentanna
‘of the Sýr of fen-teeth’ = GIANTESS
fen-teeth; → ROCKS
the mud-men of the Sýr of ROCKS → GIANTS
giantess, troll-woman
2.1. female being of mountain-environment (B2b and B2c)
fens fúr-Rǫgnir
‘fire-Rǫgnir of the fen’ = GENEROUS RULER
the fire of the fen → GOLD
the Rǫgnir of the GOLD → GENEROUS RULER
male, man
2.1. god of gold
Eldir steðja áar
‘of the Eldir of the anvil of the river’ = GIANT
the anvil of the river. → STONE
the Eldir of the STONE → GIANT
1.2. male mythical being of the mountains
in prúða Þrúðr þægra hnossa
‘beautiful Þrúðr of delightful ornaments’ = WOMAN
Beautiful Þrúðr of delightful ornaments, → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
Gefn ins gjalla svells greipar
‘the Gefn of the ringing ice of the hand’ = WOMAN
the ringing ice of the hand → SILVER
the Gefn of the SILVER → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
Hildr hjaldrs
‘The Hildr of battle’ = VALKYRIE
The Hildr of battle → VALKYRIE
1.1. woman of battle (B2b)
‘that battle-Rǫgnir’ = WARRIOR
That battle-Rǫgnir → WARRIOR
warrior Óðinn of battle
Hlǫkk hvítinga
‘The Hlǫkk of drinking-horns’ = WOMAN
The Hlǫkk of drinking-horns → WOMAN
female, woman
7.1. female mythical being of drinking vessel (B2b)
Ilmr bála lýskála
‘The Ilmr of the fires of the pollack-hall’ = WOMAN
the pollack-hall → SEA
the fires of the SEA → GOLD
The Ilmr of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
Njǫrun steina
‘Njǫrun of stones’ = WOMAN
Njǫrun of stones → WOMAN
female, woman
2.1.1. goddess of jewellery (B2b)
dýrs flein-Móði
‘of the excellent spear-Móði’ = WARRIOR
the excellent spear-Móði; → WARRIOR
warrior Móði of the weapon
hernenninn Gǫndlar þings gný-Þróttr
‘din-Þróttr of Gǫndul’s assembly’ = WARRIOR
the din of Gǫndul’s assembly → BATTLE
battle-enterprising Þróttr of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
warrior Óðinn of battle
Yggr sóknar
‘The Yggr of battle’ = WARRIOR = Waltheof
The Yggr of battle → WARRIOR = Waltheof
warrior Óðinn of battle
fyrðr fjarðleggjar
‘of the men of the fjord-bone’ = DWARFS
the fjord-bone; → ROCK
the men of the ROCK → DWARFS
3. man of rock
‘of the rock-saxons’ = GIANTS
the rock-Saxons. → GIANTS
1.1. man of the mountains
Ullr sorgar byrgis bǫðvar
‘of the Ullr of the sorrow of the fence of battle’ = WARRIOR = Hákon
the fence of battle, → SHIELD
the sorrow of the SHIELD → SWORD
the Ullr of the SWORD → WARRIOR = Hákon
warrior Ullr of the weapon
hjǫrs brak-Rǫgnir
‘noise-Rǫgnir of the sword’ = WARRIOR
the noise of the sword → BATTLE
The Rǫgnir of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
warrior Óðinn of battle
Freyr folkskíðs
‘a Freyr of the battle-ski’ = WARRIOR
the battle-ski, → SWORD
a Freyr of the SWORD → WARRIOR
warrior Freyr of the weapon
Hlóriði garðs geira
‘the Hlórriði of the fence of spears’ = WARRIOR = Hákon jarl
the fence of spears → SHIELD
the Hlórriði of the SHIELD → WARRIOR = Hákon jarl
warrior Þórr of the weapon
Freyr byrjar Heðins
‘The Freyr of the wind of Heðinn’ = WARRIOR
the wind of Heðinn → BATTLE
The Freyr of the BATTLE → WARRIOR
warrior Freyr of battle
sá Ullr branda
‘that Ullr of swords’ = WARRIOR
that Ullr of swords → WARRIOR
warrior Ullr of the weapon
Ullr veggjar Heðins
‘the Ullar of the wall of Heðinn’ = WARRIORS
the wall of Heðinn → SHIELD
the Ullar of the SHIELD → WARRIORS
warrior Ullr of the weapon
hlífar flagðs hlym-Narfi
‘din-Narfi of the troll-woman of the shield’ = WARRIOR = Ragnfrøðr?
the troll-woman of the shield → AXE
the din of the AXE → BATTLE
The Narfi of the BATTLE → WARRIOR = Ragnfrøðr?
2.4. supernatural being of battle
hagbarða hurða hlym-Njǫrðr
‘din-Nirðir of the doors of Hagbarði’ = WARRIORS
the doors of Hagbarði. → SHIELDS
the din of SHIELDS → BATTLE
the Nirðir of the BATTLE → WARRIORS
warrior Njǫrðr of battle
geirrásar garð-Rǫgnir
‘fence-Rǫgnir of the spear-onslaught’ = WARRIOR = Hákon jarl
the spear-onslaught → BATTLE
the fence of the BATTLE → SHIELD
the Rǫgnir of the SHIELD → WARRIOR = Hákon jarl
warrior Óðinn of the weapon
‘the battle-Viðurr’ = WARRIOR = Otto II
the battle-Viðurr → WARRIOR = Otto II
warrior Óðinn of battle
draugr váða Heðins
‘the log of the clothes of Heðinn’ = WARRIOR
the clothes of Heðinn → ARMOUR
the log of the ARMOUR → WARRIOR
1.2. tree of armour
Sága dolga
‘for the Sága of enmity’ = VALKYRIE = Hildr
for the Sága of enmity. → VALKYRIE = Hildr
1.1. woman of battle (B2b)
Týr teinlautar
‘the Týr of the sword-dale’ = WARRIOR = Hákon jarl
the sword-dale → SHIELD
the Týr of the SHIELD → WARRIOR = Hákon jarl
warrior Týr of the weapon
Fríðr falds
‘the Fríðr of the head-dress’ = WOMAN
the Fríðr of the head-dress → WOMAN
female, woman
4.1. female mythical being of the headdress (B2b)
hvítust Hlín hrings
‘the fairest Hlín of the ring’ = WOMAN
the fairest Hlín of the ring → WOMAN
female, woman
2.1.1. goddess of jewellery (B2b)
Bil seima
‘the Bil of gold’ = WOMAN
the Bil of gold. → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
mildrar Syn mens
‘of the gracious Syn of the necklace’ = WOMAN
the gracious Syn of the necklace → WOMAN
female, woman
2.1.1. goddess of jewellery (B2b)
gæi-Þrúðr hanglúðrs hrosta
‘the watching Þrúðr of the hanging vessel of mash’ = WOMAN
the hanging vessel of mash → CAULDRON
The watching Þrúðr of the CAULDRON → WOMAN
female, woman
15. unique
Lofn loga drafnar
‘the Lofn of the fire of the wave’ = WOMAN
the fire of the wave, → GOLD
the Lofn of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
‘the spear-Freyr’ = WARRIOR
the spear-Freyr → WARRIOR
warrior Freyr of the weapon
Hrist mjaðar
‘the Hrist of mead’ = WOMAN
the Hrist of mead. → WOMAN
female, woman
6.1. female mythical being of drink (B2b)
Fríðr funa fjarðar
‘May the Fríðr of the fire of the fjord’ = WOMAN
the fire of the fjord → GOLD
May the Fríðr of the GOLD → WOMAN
female, woman
1.1.1. goddess of riches, wealth (B2b)
vættr vitta
‘the creature of charms’ = SORCERESS
the creature of charms → SORCERESS
1. creature of charms (B2b)
trollkund Grímhildr líðs
‘the troll-descended Grímhildr of strong drink’ = WOMAN
the troll-descended Grímhildr of strong drink → WOMAN
female, woman
6.2. legendary woman of drink
vættr vitta
‘the creature of charms’ = SORCERESS
the creature of charms → SORCERESS
1. creature of charms (B2b)
Gautr herþrumu
‘of the Gautr of host-thunder’ = WARRIOR = Þórr
host-thunder → BATTLE
the Gautr of the BATTLE → WARRIOR = Þórr
warrior Óðinn of battle
Skotr Gandvíkr
‘the Scots of Gandvík’ = GIANTS
the Scots of Gandvík, → GIANTS
2. relationship to other outlying places
Rǫgnir galdrs hapts sóknar
‘the Rǫgnir of the incantation of the god of battle’ = WARRIOR = Þjálfi
the god of battle. → Óðinn
the incantation of ÓÐINN → BATTLE
the Rǫgnir of the BATTLE → WARRIOR = Þjálfi
warrior Óðinn of battle
Hǫrðar barða
‘the hǫrðar of precipices’ = GIANTS
the Hǫrðar of precipices, → GIANTS
1.1. man of the mountains
Danr útvés flóðrifs
‘the danes of the outlying sanctuary of the sea-rib’ = GIANTS
the sea-rib → STONE
the outlying sanctuary of the STONE → COAST
the Danes of the COAST → GIANTS
2. relationship to other outlying places
Kumrar hellis
‘of the cumbrians of the cave’ = GIANTS
the Cumbrians of the cave → GIANTS
1.1.1. man of the cave
Heiðrekr veggjar Þrasis
‘of the Heiðrekr of the wall of Þrasir’ = GIANT = Geirrøðr
the wall of Þrasir → STONE
the Heiðrekr of the STONE → GIANT = Geirrøðr
1.3. legendary person of the mountains
Syn arinbrautar
‘of the Syn of the hearth-stone-path’ = GIANTESS
the hearth-stone-path. → MOUNTAINS
giantess, troll-woman
2.1. female being of mountain-environment (B2b and B2c)
Rygir Lista vallátrs
‘falcon-Rygir of the lair of Lista’ = GIANTS
the falcon-lair → ROCK
the Lista of the ROCK → MOUNTAINS
1.1. man of the mountains
Ella steins
‘of the Ælla of the stone’ = GIANT
the Ælla of the stone, → GIANT
1.3. legendary person of the mountains
sá* Baldr unnar
‘that Baldr of the sword’ = WARRIOR = Þorfinnr
That Baldr of the sword → WARRIOR = Þorfinnr
warrior Baldr of the weapon
ílendra hjalm-Þróttr
‘of the land-restored helmet-Þróttar’ = WARRIORS
the land-restored helmet-Þróttar; → WARRIORS
1.5.1. male mythical being of the helmet
‘of the mountain-mœrir’ = GIANTS
the mountain-Mœrir → GIANTS
1.1. man of the mountains
allríkr Njǫrðr gǫndlar
‘the all-powerful Njǫrðr of battle’ = WARRIOR = Þórálfr
the all-powerful Njǫrðr of battle, → WARRIOR = Þórálfr
warrior Njǫrðr of battle
Freyja bjarga
‘the Freyja of cliffs’ = GIANTESS
the Freyja of cliffs → GIANTESS
giantess, troll-woman
2.1. female being of mountain-environment (B2b and B2c)