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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Sigv ErfÓl 25I/1 — messu ‘the feast day’

Oss dugir Ôleifs messu
— jǫfur magnar goð — fagna
meinalaust í mínu
Magnúss fǫður húsi.
Skyldr emk skilfings halda
skolllaust, þess’s bjó golli,
helgi, handar tjǫlgur
harmdauða, mér rauðu.

Dugir oss fagna meinalaust messu Ôleifs, fǫður Magnúss, í húsi mínu; goð magnar jǫfur. Emk skyldr halda skolllaust helgi harmdauða skilfings, þess’s bjó mér tjǫlgur handar rauðu golli.

It is proper for us [me] to welcome, sinlessly, the feast day of Óláfr, the father of Magnús, in my house; God strengthens the ruler. I am required to keep, guilelessly, the holy day of the lamented death of the king, who fitted my branches of the arm with red gold.



[1] messu ‘the feast day’: Messa is an adoption from Lat. missa ‘mass, Eucharist’. As in ESk Geisl 35/3VII, this most likely refers to the requirements for lay observance of a saint’s feast day, rather than implying that mass was actually celebrated in Sigvatr’s house. The meaning ‘mass’ is attested in Christian poetry of the C12th, e.g., Anon Heil 12/2VII.



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