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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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HSt Rst 11I/7 — hôttu ‘the way of life’

Ísland éla skyndir
ítr lista vann kristnat
gollmildr Grœnaveldi
Gǫndlar þey*s ok Eyjar.
Handvíst Hjalta grundar
hann sem Nóregs manna
hôttu hilmir bœtti.
Hollr ok fremstr at ǫllu.

Gollmildr skyndir éla þey*s Gǫndlar, ítr lista, vann kristnat Ísland, Grœnaveldi ok Eyjar. Hann, hilmir, bœtti handvíst hôttu manna Nóregs sem grundar Hjalta. Hollr ok fremstr at ǫllu …

The gold-generous hastener of the storms of the thawing wind of Gǫndul <valkyrie> [BATTLE > ARROWS > WARRIOR], splendid in accomplishments, made Iceland, Greenland and the Isles [Orkney] Christian. He, the ruler, improved most certainly the way of life of the people of Norway as well as of the land of the Shetlanders [= Shetland]. Faithful and foremost in all things …



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