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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Anon Mfl 2III/8 — þvegit ‘washed’

Busti beggja rista
barmskúr ofan hvarma
fljóðs á frægja meiða
fjǫlglyggs himins tyggja.
Vann, sús kœnst es kvenna,
kvǫlbannaðar manna
él*um undirstóla
iltún þvegit brúna.

Hvarma barmskúr fljóðs busti ofan á frægja meiða beggja rista tyggja fjǫlglyggs himins. Vann, sús es kœnst kvenna, þvegit iltún kvǫlbannaðar manna él*um undirstóla brúna.

The shower of the edge of eyelids [(lit. ‘edge-showers of eyelids’) EYES > TEARS] of the woman streamed down on the famous trees of both insteps [FEET] of the lord of the windswept heaven [= Christ]. She, who is the wisest of women, washed the footsole-yards [FEET] of the torment-banisher of men [= Christ] with storms of the support-chairs of brows [EYES > TEARS].



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