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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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ESk Geisl 9VII/7 — vex ‘increases’

Yfirmanni býðk — unnin
upps mærð borin — lærðra
— Jóan kǫllum svá — allrar
alþýðu brag hlýða.
Hefjum hendr, en leyfa
hyggk vin rǫðuls tyggja
— stóls vex hæð, þars hvílir
heilagr konungr — fagran.

Býðk yfirmanni allrar alþýðu lærðra — svá kǫllum Jóan — hlýða brag; unnin mærð [e]s borin upp. Hefjum hendr, en hyggk leyfa fagran vin tyggja rǫðuls; hæð stóls vex, þars heilagr konungr hvílir.

I ask the superior of the whole multitude of learned men [CLERICS > BISHOP] — thus we [I] call Jón — to listen to the poetry; the finished poem is offered up. We lift up our hands, and I intend to praise the beautiful friend of the king of the sun [= God > = Óláfr]; the eminence of the [bishop’s] seat increases, where the holy king rests.


[7] vex: vegs Bb



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