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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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ESk Geisl 5VII/6 — hnígr ‘bows down’

Sonr sté upp með ynði
auðar mildr frá hauðri,
jǫfra beztr, til œztrar
alls ráðanda hallar.
Lofaðr sitr englum efri
— ǫðlinga hnígr þingat
dǫglings hirð — á dýrðar
dagbóls konungr stóli.

Sonr alls ráðanda mildr auðar, beztr jǫfra, sté upp með ynði frá hauðri til œztrar hallar. Lofaðr konungr dagbóls sitr efri englum á stóli dýrðar; hirð dǫglings ǫðlinga hnígr þingat.

The son of the ruler of all [= God], generous with riches [= Christ], the best of princes, ascended with joy from earth to the highest hall. The praised king of the day-home [SKY/HEAVEN > = God (= Christ)] sits above the angels on the throne of majesty; the cohort of the prince of princes [= God > THE BLESSED] bows down to him [lit. to there, to it].


[6] hnígr ‘bows down’: An allusion to the book of Revelation, where the twenty-four elders, the angels, and the blessed are said to fall down before the King of Kings (Rev. IV.10, V.8, VII.11).



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