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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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ESk Geisl 19VII/4 — skína ‘to shine’

Náðit bjartr, þás beiðir
baugskjalda lauk aldri
— sýndi salvǫrðr grundar
sín tôkn — rǫðull skína.
Fyrr vas hitt, at harra
hauðrtjalda brá dauða
happ- (nýtask mér) -mætu
(máltól) skini sólar.

Bjartr rǫðull náðit skína, þás beiðir baugskjalda lauk aldri; grundar salvǫrðr sýndi sín tôkn. Hitt vas fyrr, at happmætu skini sólar brá dauða harra hauðrtjalda; máltól nýtask mér.

The bright sun was unable to shine when the desirer of ring-shields [WARRIOR] ended his life; the guardian of the hall of earth [(lit. ‘hall-guardian of earth’) SKY/HEAVEN > = God] showed his signs. It happened previously that the excellently fortunate shining of the sun ceased through the death of the lord of earth-tents [SKY/HEAVEN > = God (= Christ)]; speech-tools [ORGANS OF SPEECH] are of use to me.



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