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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Anon Mlag 2II/4 — einkar ‘very’

Skýrum ætlak Magnús mæra
mildi sterkan frægðarverka;
yppa skal nú öðlings höppum
einkar skjótt at vilja dróttins.
Eigi er oss um allvald frægan
(andagiptir) lítill vandi
(allar þyrftak engla stillis)
óðar þáttu framm at bjóða.

Ætlak mæra Magnús, sterkan mildi, skýrum frægðarverka; skal nú yppa höppum öðlings einkar skjótt at vilja dróttins. Eigi er oss lítill vandi at bjóða framm þáttu óðar um frægan allvald; þyrftak allar andagiptir stillis engla.

I intend to praise Magnús, strong in generosity, with a clear poem of fame; I shall now uplift the king’s lucky deeds very quickly according to the will of the Lord. It is no small difficulty for us [me] to proffer strands of praise about the renowned mighty ruler; I would need all the spiritual gifts of the leader of angels [= God].



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