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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Anon Pét 20VII/5 — rödd ‘the voice’

Bera liet vitni várum
vald himneskra spjalda,
gróðri, sá fylkir, er fáði
fjöll, af heimum öllum:
rödd guðs þóknan þýddi
þrír postular skírir
Elíás af paradísu,
Ebrón Móisi þjónar.

Sá fylkir, er fáði fjöll gróðri, liet bera vitni af öllum heimum várum vald himneskra spjalda: rödd guðs þýddi þóknan, þrír postular skírir, Elíás af paradísu, Ebrón þjónar Móisi.

That king, who adorned the mountains with vegetation, let witness be borne from all worlds to our keeper of the heavenly tablets [= God (= Christ)]: the voice of God expressed satisfaction, three pure Apostles, Elijah from Paradise, Hebron serves Moses.



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