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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Anon Pét 12VII/4 — Pétro ‘Peter’

Skriptúra skýrt váttar,
skær Perpétúa væri
kván í Kristi greinum
kunn, sú Pétro unni.
Petronillam nýtum
námgreini gaf eina
dóttur guðs og gætti
gott víf að eilífu.

Skriptúra váttar skýrt, skær Perpétúa væri kván kunn í Kristi greinum, sú unni Pétro. Gott víf gaf nýtum námgreini eina dóttur, Petronillam, og gætti guðs að eilífu.

Scripture clearly testifies [that] pure Perpetua was a woman skilled in Christ’s teachings, who loved Peter. The good woman gave to the excellent teacher a daughter, Petronilla, and directed her thoughts to God perpetually.



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