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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Anon Mv I 4VII/3 — dóttur ‘daughter’

Áðr var eiginbrúðar
andaðr í því landi
(átti hun eina dóttur)
unnandi (vel kunna).
Hennar bað með heiðri
heiðursmaðr, og greiðiz
mundrinn; fyldiz frændum
frægð, en tókuz mægðir.

Áðr var unnandi eiginbrúðar andaðr í því landi; hun átti eina dóttur, vel kunna. Heiðursmaðr bað hennar með heiðri, og mundrinn greiðiz; frægð fyldiz frændum, en mægðir tókuz.

Earlier the husband [lit. lover] of the wife had died in that land; she had one daughter, well accomplished. A man of honour asked for her hand with honour, and the dowry is paid; fame was achieved for the relatives, and the kinship by marriage was established.


[1, 4] unnandi eiginbrúðar ‘the husband [lit. lover] of the wife’: I.e. ‘husband’. The ms. reading ægir (m. nom. sg.) ‘terror’ or ‘ocean’ (l. 1), makes no sense in this context and must be a scribal error. Sperber suggests ægir auðs brúðar ‘the terror of wealth of the woman’ i.e. ‘the man of the woman’. Skj B emends to eiginn unnandi brúðar, lit. ‘the own lover of the wife’. The present reading follows Skald, and the word eiginbrúðr ‘wife’ also occurs in Anon Pl 17/7. See also Note to Vitn 13/5-8.



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