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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Sigv Erlfl 4I/3 — skógs

Réð eigi grið, gýgjar,
geðstirðr konungs firða,
skers þótt skúrir þyrrit,
Skjalgs hefnir sér nefna.
En varðkeri virðir
víðbotn né kømr síðan
glyggs á gjalfri leygðan
geirs ofrhugi meiri.

Geðstirðr hefnir Skjalgs réð eigi nefna sér grið firða konungs, þótt skúrir skers gýgjar þyrrit. En meiri virðir geirs, ofrhugi, né kømr síðan á víðbotn varðkeri glyggs, leygðan gjalfri.

The tough-minded avenger of Skjálgr [= Erlingr] did not ask for quarter from the king’s men, even though the showers of the skerry of the axe [SHIELD > BATTLE] did not let up. And a greater appreciator of the spear [WARRIOR], over-bold one, will not come afterwards onto the wide base of the guarding-vessel of the storm [SKY > EARTH], washed by the sea.



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