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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Sigv Lv 5I/6 — ís

Áðr hefk gótt við góða
grams stallara alla
átt, þás ossum dróttni,
ógndjarfs, fyr kné hvarfa.
Bjǫrn, fazt opt at árna,
íss, fyr mér at vísa
góðs, meguð gótt of ráða
gunnrjóðr, þvít vel kunnuð.

Áðr hefk átt gótt við alla góða stallara ógndjarfs grams, þás hvarfa fyr kné dróttni ossum. Bjǫrn, fazt opt at árna góðs fyr mér at vísa; meguð, íss gunnrjóðr, of ráða gótt, þvít kunnuð vel.

Until now I have had good dealings with all the good marshals of the terror-bold prince [Óláfr], those who stroll about before the knee of our lord [as supplicants]. Bjǫrn, you managed often to gain something good for me from [our] leader; you are able, reddener of war-ice [(lit. ‘war-reddener of ice’) SWORD > WARRIOR], to give good advice, because you understand well [how to].



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