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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Hjþ Lv 2VIII (HjǪ 3)/1 — dóttir ‘daughter’

Hver er sú dóttir,         er um nótt miðja
flanar ok flöktir         með fíls hala?
Ólík þykki mér þú         öðrum vífum,
eða hvaðan kom         Hrauðungs mær?

Hver er sú dóttir, er flanar ok flöktir um miðja nótt með hala fíls? Þú þykki mér ólík öðrum vífum, eða hvaðan kom mær Hrauðungs?

Who is that daughter who flits and flutters about in the middle of the night with an elephant’s tail? You seem to me unlike other women, and where did the girl of Hrauðungr <giant> [GIANTESS] come from?


[1] sú dóttir ‘that daughter’: Finnur Jónsson (Skj B) emends dóttir to drósa ‘woman’, presumably because the normal sense of dóttir ‘daughter’ seems inappropriate here, and also because he adopts drjúgt ‘greatly, very much’ in l. 2 (see below). However, dóttir may sometimes refer to women who are not family members (cf. ONP: dóttir), and this may be the case here.



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