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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Bjbp Jóms 12I/6 — fíkjum ‘eagerly’

Heitstrenging frák hefja
heiptmildan Sigvalda;
Búi var ǫrr at efla
órœkinn þrek slíkan.
Hétusk þeir af hauðri
Hákun reka fíkjum
— grimm var frægra fyrða
fjón — eða lífi ræna.

Frák heiptmildan Sigvalda hefja heitstrenging; órœkinn Búi var ǫrr at efla slíkan þrek. Þeir hétusk fíkjum reka Hákun af hauðri eða ræna lífi; fjón frægra fyrða var grimm.

I have heard strife-liberal Sigvaldi began the making of vows; the reckless Búi was swift to strengthen such daring. They vowed eagerly to drive Hákon from the land or rob him of life; the hatred of the famous men was grim.


[6] fíkjum ‘eagerly’: This adv. could be taken as modifying þeir hétusk ‘they vowed’, as here, or reka ‘to drive’. It is also used in sts 26/8 and 41/6 and in ÞGísl Búdr 10/5.



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