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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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SnSt Ht 26III/4 — ætt ‘people’

Fúss brýtr fylkir eisu
fens; bregðr hǫnd á venju;
ránhegnir gefr Rínar
rǫf; spyrr ætt at jǫfrum.
Mjǫk trúir ræsir rekka
raun; sér gjǫf til launa;
ráð á lofðungr lýða
lengr; vex hverr af gengi.

Fúss fylkir brýtr eisu fens; hǫnd bregðr á venju; ránhegnir gefr rǫf Rínar; ætt spyrr at jǫfrum. Ræsir trúir mjǫk raun rekka; gjǫf sér til launa; lofðungr á ráð lýða lengr; hverr vex af gengi.

The eager leader breaks fire of the fen [GOLD]; the hand moves according to custom; the plunder-punisher [JUST RULER] gives amber of the Rhine <river> [GOLD]; people ask about princes. The lord trusts the warriors’ experience very much; a gift looks for rewards; the ruler has power over the people longer; each gains from his following.


[4] ætt spyrr at jǫfrum ‘people ask about princes’: The sense must be that people talk about rulers’ generosity, i.e. how well they will reward their men for their service.



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