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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Sigv Knútdr 9I/2 — ætt ‘the race’

Létat af jǫfurr
(ætt manna fannsk)
Jótlands etask
ílendr (at því).
Vildi foldar
fæst rôn Dana
hlífskjǫldr hafa.
Hǫfuðfremstr jǫfurr.

Ílendr létat jǫfurr Jótlands etask af; ætt manna fannsk at því. Hlífskjǫldr Dana vildi hafa fæst rôn foldar. … Hǫfuðfremstr jǫfurr.

Arrived in his land, the lord of Jutland [DANISH KING = Knútr] did not let himself be deprived; the race of men were pleased at that. The protecting shield of the Danes [DANISH KING = Knútr] would allow minimal plundering of the land. … The most eminent prince.


[2] ætt: átt Tóm



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